Friday, June 29, 2007

Cats, Comedians & Mediocre Results

Had a short school day today.

I was waiting for all my results to come in before I blogged about them but I was told by my Macroecons tutor that she will only give back the term test papers next week cos she wants to go through the project layout with us.


But I did okay for the rest.It's not ace stuff but I still have a good chance to finish well. Let me put it this way, it's like I finished 8th in a qualifying session of F1 and I start race day from there. Not too far back.My class has good students and I need to keep up with them.

I had no idea how I did so well for Comm Skills. It was something that I wasn't proud of.But I got competition.I got top spot just by being a mark better.I got real lucky this time round.If I marked my paper,I wouldn't do too well.

I thought I would do average for Accounting.But I ended up doing slightly better.Classmates did better but I'm satisfied with this start.But I hope to get a B for Macro.Emphasis on hope.Especially after losing 12-15 marks that easily.Dumb of me but that's an old story.

Was also informed that there will be an Accounting class test on the 6th of August. It'll be held around 6-7 pm.

It's a Monday.I end lessons at 2.Another damn four hour wait.

It would have been fine if they had put the test on a Tuesday or Wednesday,cos I finish at 6.But it had to be on Monday.

Real swell huh? =(

There's this cat that's been coming to my house almost every other evening.It's a male stray and it's pretty fun to have around.It walks round the house,exploring and rubbing against everything.It's very playful and cute and likes to rub up against our legs.It has a very nice, slender tail and it's very inquisitive.It hardly sits still.It gets excited and likes to play with this long rope that we have and chases it around.

After it eats and plays,it goes back out to sleep outside somewhere in the area.

I play with the cat every now and then but it's mostly my sister that enjoys its company.Guess I'm still sorta loyal to the cat that is at my grandma's house.

We've been calling him by the oh-so-generic 'Cat' but I think I got my own name for him.

Kramer.A tribute to the funniest character in Seinfeld.So it's Kramer the cat.

I hope we don't get too attached cos honestly,I don't think this household has the time to keep a pet. I would hate it if we had to send it away or to the SPCA if it comes round too often.If it goes to the SPCA,it will be put to sleep and I'd HATE that.

I wanna make a trip down to HMV this weekend to go and see if they have Secondhand Serenade's CD in stock.May order if they don't.Also,would like to go and get Russell Peters' 'Outsourced' DVD online.He is one funny guy.

I think I'm suffering from post-footballitis-seasonitis.I need my weekly football fix soon.The excitement of every weekend is missing.

I'd thought it'd be industrious-sounding of me if I go ahead and finish the first part of my Macroecons projects tonight.The newspaper articles.Maybe not finish it off but start looking to finish it off my this weekend.That way,I can strike it off the list of various projects to be done.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Choices Made & Outcomes Await

A couple of things.

Was bored today during the 2nd of 2 breaks that I had in school so I made a quick trip to the school library.I was delighted to find at least a few Robert Ludlum books there so I borrowed one.I can't use the public libraries cos my account's been suspended.I returned the books but left the fine unpaid.Guess I got left behind when the system was overhauled.Till I pay my fine and reactivate my account at least.The fine's not too much.Less than $20 dollars.

So good to have a book to read again.Been a long time since I had a good read.

One thing I forgot to mention about collecting the acceptance/rejection letters.I don't think it's an acceptance letter per se.I mean it's not a given.You go there to get your acceptance OR rejection letter.Of your application.Meaning mine.To see whether I got accepted or rejected.

So I may have counted my chickens too early after all.

I may be rejected.I think.But they did ask for my shirt size right?

Oh fuck,I have no idea.I really don't.

Anyways,like my initial point of this topic is,I'm gonna have to wait till 6pm to know.My lessons end at 2 on Monday.What the hell am I gonna do for 4 frickin hours??? Cut me some frickin slack!!

I CAN'T believe Farah posted the lyrics and a short video of an old song of mine on her blog.That song was supposed to be sung for a competition,not by me of course.But it didn't happen.It's on her Tuesday 26th June post in her blog.

And I kinda freaked a little when I found out she tagged somebody else and told that person about it too. Was worried about how she would react. I know things are all in the past between me and Roswell Girl but you never know...

But seeing that song did bring back memories. And how that song was never properly sorted in terms of tune. Maybe that's what it deserves.But I can't do it.Too bad.

I'm supposed to finish up editing the essay but I have no time.Not enough time. I need the weekend.Projects and plans that I need to commit to.

I forgot to sign up for CDS (Cross-Disciplinary Subjects) on the 22nd. The closing date was this Friday.I totally forgot till today! They didn't have Creative Writing or Global Issues listed there.Are they not available this semester or already full? I have no idea.I didn't wanna take French this semester...but...

5 Choices I made...

  1. Intro to French Culture
  2. Understanding Theatre
  3. Intro to Psychology
  4. Intro to Sociology
  5. Business of Hospitality & Tourism(something like that)

Understanding Theatre is a bit cool.But scary and risky.Cos I would have to probably act a bit. And maybe alone too.Daunting...

I'll only know when I check my timetable for next semester.I still can change then.I may try to get into Creative Writing for next semester.French is alright though.

Hah! Somehow I don't think quoting "IMMORTALITY ! TAKE IT ! IT'S YOURS !" (Brad Pitt in Troy) or "THIS IS SPARTA!!" (Gerard Butler in 300) would suffice.

I hope to get French.Theatre Studies would be fun but scary.The other 3 are okay but are just there to make up the numbers.It's like they're the the best from the the not-so-good options that were remaining. Was really looking forward to Creative Writing though.

Right,I gotta go finish up an Accounting tutorial.Officially,the most draggy subject this term.I've rediscovered how much I don't like it.The lecturer's a nice guy actually but it's the module,not him.

I'm out.Till then,keep your pants on people.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

All Good & Busy

I managed to get Hot Fuzz and Grindhouse off a friend's hard disk drive and loaded it into my comp.Saw a bit of Hot Fuzz.Will catch Grindhouse over the weekend.

Spent much of the weekend doing nothing.Though it was pretty cool to be able to watch a bootleg DVD copy of Prison Break Season 2 and finish up the season. It's pretty great stuff. It sure kept me glued.

So I did get into Pacesetters after all.Gotta collect my acceptance notice on the 2nd,next Monday.Their notice was riddled with errors but I managed to get the right info from the right person in the end.The girl I contacted was actually nice enough to SMS me back,thanking me for alerting her to the errors on the notice and saying she was looking forward to seeing me on the 2nd.Even though it was nothing special,I thought it was a totally nice touch.

Just hope they spell my name right.Cos I saw I a typo error on my middle name.They had an error on Roswell Girl's dad's name as well.I'll be sure to see them on the 2nd.

Oh yeah,I just remembered.I have to edit my essay so that it can be added to a compilation of stories and maybe made into a book. I'm gonna have to do it even though I'm not quite sure yet how I'm gonna change it.It isn't much actually.It is doable.I just have to do it by the 28th.Not much time.

I have to make a side trip before school tomorrow cos I gotta give a top to be used as a prop for the storytelling show the CCA is having on Thursday. It's cool cos I start at 2.

I can't come on Tuesday and Wednesday cos I finish at 6.They'll come good though.I'm sure I'll see a good show on Thursday.Even if it it's a show for kids.It ought to be loads of fun.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Reach Out To Find Nothing

I think I've touched on this before.

Who is your saving grace? The one you find solace in? A place of shelter from this unfair world...

It could be one person,it could be a few people.

Regardless,they're the one you turn to when you need a boost.It could be anything. Advice, jokes, an outing, hangin' and kickin' it together or just being around them could do it for you.

They turn your negatives into positives and make your positives feel even better.

It's real scary when one day you look up and you find that you actually don't have anyone of the sort.

Perhaps you had it in the past.It was when you felt safe and secure knowing that you could always count on others to be there.

But now you realise that the past is but a distant memory.

People have come and they have gone.

And then you ask yourself as you look around,who is still standing there,unwavering in their support for you.

Or,does it seem that they have all moved on? An inevitable nature of society and by no means any fault of theirs cos you do it too.People just have their own paths.

Every once in a while,you're there for others as well.You pick them up.But who's there to pick you up when you need it? You can't seem to find anyone.

It happens sometimes.

So while you can,look around to find out who does these things for you and hold on to them.Maybe even make it a point to show them your appreciation.

Cos you never know when they'll be taken away and you'll find yourself standing all alone.

When Monday Comes

It's a dark and dreary day and my mood is reflected in the weather.

I wish I could meet up some people who could cheer me up but it is unfortunate that all of us are very busy with our own lives.

I do have work to do.

School reopens on Monday and I guess it's a welcome distraction.

Another welcome distraction would be MIC Studio work.I know the current excos are under a lot of pressure but they'll get through it.I hope I can be of help when I drop by after school on Monday.After that,I won't be there till Thursday,when the show goes down.

They'll be doing storytelling sessions with kids at the library.Very different,very fun but also a lot of work.

In some twisted way,it's sorta been my escape for this break.By going back to something familiar,even if it has it's own difficulties,at least it's something that I know about.

On Monday,I'll also get to see whether I got through to the Pacesetters probation period. Immediate matters at Bishan library for MIC means that my day will be occupied and I won't be bored out of my mind.

But before I go,

Lo siento pero soy te extrano.

Yeah,I don't know why I'm feeling that way.But I am.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Not Quite, I Guess

I think I finally have enough in me to sit down and to do a couple of things I've been meaning to do,like update my blog,for one.

I got a call from an unfamiliar number yesterday night.I thought of not entertaining the call but I also figured it could be important so I didn't ignore it.Turned out to be a Pacesetters member, calling to ask for my shirt size and also to check the notice board when school reopens.

I'd like to say that the call meant that I managed to proceed on to the probation period but I know I could jinx it and left with egg on my face when I find out that I actually didn't make the cut.

I know Iskandar already said that in all probability,I did make it through or else they wouldn't have asked for my shirt size but all in all,I'd like not to count my chickens before they hatch, i.e., till I actually see my name on the notice board.So right now,I'm just gonna be nonchalant and act dumb about it.

Been down with a case of the sniffles.I took non-drowsy medication but somehow I'm feeling sleepy.

That's just dumb.

I just found out that the History channel is a free-to-air channel instead of a pay channel.That's cool cos they've got really kick ass programmes.

This term break has been quite random but I've done or been through a couple of things that have made me think.

I've been down for MIC rehearsals once and I've realised as tough as it is,even if I'm just helping out,in some odd way,it can become my sanctum.It's familiarity is comforting in unfamiliar times.
The need for a job has been kicked up a notch and I do think that having one will do me a world of good.Really.Unfortunately,I promised myself that I will get one only in the second semester.
But,if really good stuff comes up,I just might take it.

I've seen or read a couple of things here and there which have made me assume that I'm probably not made out to be with anyone anytime soon.

Sounds like such a depressing statement but I assure the above is typed with a lack of negative emotion.

I've come to realise that it just wasn't my fate why things never happened.Other than fate,I know the real reason why things didn't turn out the way I wanted.It ain't because of any outside factors.

I simply wasn't good enough.I've never been good enough.

Now,hold on.Lest you think I suffer from low self-esteem,I assure you again that I hold myself in adequate regard.

I just think that it is a fact that I wasn't good enough for things to happen and for the other party to reciprocate.

I'm really okay with it.In fact,I've been okay with it for quite some time.I've been meaning to blog it out but I guess I didn't cos I wasn't sure how to word it in a way that wouldn't make me seem bitter or depressed.

Guess that's all today.Oh,rehearsals are on tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Wanted: A Second Wind

Another day of doing nothing.

I felt so haggard today,feeling like an absolute bum, like it seemed that everyone else was out and about with something today,though that may not actually be true.

I'm aware it's the term break and it may seem out of the blue to be talking about motivation. For school that is.

Generally,it's a widespread belief that no one actually looks forward to school with the exception of maybe a few people. But I THINK it's rather safe to say that nobody goes "Woohoo,YEAH! SCHOOL!!!"

I'm bringing this up cos,like a friend of mine,I'm tired out by the mere fact that the school term starts again next Monday.

It's a matter of motivation,or rather,the lack of it.

It could be down a few things.

As much improvement as it has made and it is a really okay place to be in,poly life is much different to the time I had in ITE.The friends in poly are fine and I met a couple of really good people but it just ain't the same. They're just not the crowd that I'm used to.I'm saying that the people in ITE are ultimately my crowd and just that cos everyone is adaptable and can change according to the situation.It's just that I've gotten used to the type of people I've been around and they've been a great bunch.This crowd at poly is different and new.

Even if I've gotten used to it generally,I think I've yet to adjust myself to the little things.The jokes,the little rituals,the situations that we find ourselves in as a class.All just totally different. Plus,if you've not noticed,I've rather liked how things were in the past.

Yeah,I didn't exactly have perfect attendance but it was pretty okay going to school and sometimes even fun.Lots of it.The inside jokes,the music and also face of unity that lay above the fragments of dis-unity that was at the underbelly.All that made the school experience what it was.It would also be fair to say that I had extra motivation that came in the form of an emissary of Venus. (this last sentence is cryptic on purpose!)


I still think that deep down,I know I have the wherewithal to achieve a lot in poly but with this difficult settling-in period coupled with the general 'screwing up' of the first round of tests,it would be difficult to deny that my enthusiasm and self-belief have somewhat been dampened by little clouds of self-doubt.

So,somehow,somewhere I need to find new motivation.I have to if I wanna reach my goals that I set,both long and short-term.

If I continue with this disinterested approach,I'm not going to get that high up in poly.I'll make it through fine but I won't succeed.

Please note that I'm not an overachiever,it's just I realised what needs to be done to go on try to have some measure of success and a life not wasted later on.

So I guess I gotta look and hope for things to come that will give me a kick up in my gluteus maximus.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

(I'm So Bored I Couldn't Even Think Of A Title For This One)

Been loafing around at home all day.

Watching movies on cable mostly.

Tried to write a song but to be quite honest,brain's just too lazy to think about it right now.

Did a couple of IQ tests.

Had one from High IQ Society,where you have to have a minimum IQ of 124 (or 126 I think) to qualify.

I came in with a 121.Damn.Elitist buggers.It was fun doing it though.Killed time too.

And also played Deal Or No Deal's online game.I virtually won 750K.Haha.If only it was for real.

For the past week,there's been this cat who's been coming into the house and just running around having fun.It's harmless and cute.Especially when it's walking around at the ankles.

I think one of the neighbours have also got a cat that they put outside for the night cos there's this other cat that runs around as well in the night.I know cos I can hear the bell it has around the neck.

Maybe the stray comes for the free food that the pet cat gets.

Haha.It's cute.

I'm a cat lover by the way.Not in the girly way or anything,I just like cats.

I was remembering a conversation that I had with a in the past about which Bollywood chick we liked and I remembered saying Preity Zinta.

Not THAT big of a Bollywood fanatic.Seen a couple of movies here and there.But hey,a nice girl there is still a nice girl anywhere right?. Okay,that statement sounded so obnoxious.

But yeah,Preity Zinta is my fave.She may not have the long-legged sexy look that my mate was an advocate of but there's something about her and her cuteness.

Of course,readers with no knowledge of Bollywood and its citizens,would have no idea what I'm talking about.

God,nothing is really on today.Supposed to do my OB project tonight by I'm oh-so-not-in-the-mood.

I heard a gathering of ex-mental patients (read: ITE Bishan ISF-ers 05-07) is in the works.I hope enough souls are willing to gather again to make it work.

Still can't find any way to get "Time To Let Go" by Marcos Hernadez.Only on his Myspace page.

Oh,and I think I may be getting a slight addiction to McDs Seaweed Shaker fries.

Gosh,is today's post random or what.

Off to watch F1 Qualifiying and maybe later I'll try to write a song.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

All I Got So Far

Remember I said I was gonna try to write a song.This one took me a total of 45 mins spread over a day.


Verse 1
Go on and leave
Just walk away
I'll stay I'll keep holding on here
(You'll be moving on there)
Cherish the memories of yesterday
So take my hand
Or wake me from my dream
A world of lies is what I call my reality

Maybe if I was born different
You could fall in love with me
Maybe if I was just better
Maybe if I wasn't me
Maybe, maybe
Maybe maybe baby
You weren't meant for me
You weren't meant for me

Verse 2
Before the night
When darkness falls
Tell me they treat you right dear
(Your tears would be my biggest fear)

Maybe if I was born different
You could fall in love with me
Maybe if I was just better
Maybe if I wasn't me
Maybe, maybe
Maybe maybe baby
You weren't meant for me
You weren't meant for me

Verse 3
Don't you worrry
You could never hurt me
I'll leave with a smile
And the dagger in my heart
(Dagger in my heart)

Maybe, maybe
Maybe maybe baby
You weren't meant for me
You weren't meant for me
Maybe, maybe
Maybe maybe baby
You weren't meant for me
You weren't meant for me

Yeah,this is the best that I could come up with.Too angsty for my liking.I was going for John Mayer and I got Teddy Geiger meets 30 Seconds To Mars.More 30 Seconds than Teddy...

Well,I've probably been listening to 30 Seconds...a bit too much then.

Maybe I'll try again.Anyways,I'm only putting it up here for the sake of it till I come up with something better.And also cos I got nothing else to post about actually.


It's not really what I wanna be writing about anyway.I doesn't exactly cover what I feel.

Plus,I don't think it's that good anyway.

Like I said,it's a bit too angsty.Too dark.But hey,it did come out of my noggin didn't it?

Friday, June 15, 2007

Time Fillers

I have a couple of mates enlisting tomorrow to begin their service to the country.For 2 years.

National Service.To protect and serve the country.

All the guys gave to go through it.

I'll be doing so in only about 3 years time,after diploma studies.

To them,hang tough and bon chance.French for good luck.Keep in touch okay geezers?


Break's till next week.Will be filled with projects.I don't mind.

May be busy with Mic commitments again.They have a 3 week break and there are things to be done so I assume I'll come down for a bit of it.

All around me seem to be under duress and it sucks that I can't help.All I can do is lend a sympathetic ear and offer consolations whenever I can.

Damn,I heard this really great song from Marcos Hernandez titled "Time To Let Go" but I can't seem to get it anywhere.I heard it on his Myspace when I was trawling thru it for new music.

Go hear it if you want to.

Bowling on Monday.I got reminded today.Pretty rubbish at it.

I guess I just like to pay to throw heavy balls really badly.

Project meeting at school tomorrow.

But I'm not sleeping just yet.

Watching "The Thin Red Line" on cable.Awesomely gruesome.Not like Saving Private Ryan but still cool.

Especially when one soldier accidentally gets his own ass blown up with a grenade.

Oh,that's B-R-utal.

Robert Rodriguez & Quentin Tarantino are coming together for an offering of Grindhouse. It's a style of film-making which lets you see two movies at once.

Robert Rodriguez comes with "Planet Terror" and Quentin Tarantino comes with "Death Proof". Apparently,they have fake trailers in between.Not sure how that works.Will have to see it to find out.

But,to spoil it,Singapore's only showing Death Proof.How dumb is that?

From the trailer,Planet Terror looks much more solid than Death Proof,which looks a little iffy.

As an appetiser,inPlanet Terror,Rose McGowan plays a chick who has only one leg and on the other she gets a prosthetic leg.Only it's just not a leg,it's a damn machine gun and she uses it to kill her enemies!

Woohoo! That's unbelievable!

I think one of my mates already managed to get a copy of it.Looking forward to watching it.


I just realised I'm talking a lot about movies these days.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Passion In Impassivity

Back from another late slacking session with the mates.

Had to walk home cos I missed the last bus.Not too bad.I do have my dependable Walkman phone that can keep me company.They even have a line from the ad campaign about it don't they?

"I 'insert logo' missing the last bus home." That was transposed over a scene of a guy walking home on a deserted street after obviously missing the last bus home.

Just like me tonight.

Someone tagged me with a rather weird name.

I removed it for the fact that I didn't want others to see that someone had tagged themselves as that.Perhaps a dig at my penchant for using Brit slang and oddities in my posts.

I don't see them as vulgarities or insults.I use them to colour my vocabulary with no malice behind the usage.My close mates would know this.In fact,we colour our vocabulary quite well. Completely harmless.

Any contentious matters should be mentioned with civility and the usage of unidentifiable pseudonyms should be avoided.

In the early evening,I played soccer at the soccer court.We were quite average by my reckoning but somehow we managed to stay in all the way and remain unbeaten.It did get quite heated in the midst of competition.

Moving on,there was one topic of discussion that was undertaken with quite considerable vitriol today.

I try to leave out daily social issues and happenings as they would have been extensively covered in the media but for this one I have to make an exception.

In Malaysia,a couple was tracked by 4 men while in their car and to make a long story short,the girl had to give herself up to 3 men just so she could avert the risk of her boyfriend being killed.As if it was wasn't bad enough,that girl was 19.

19.That's a girl my age.That hits home harder.

Needless to say,we were quite inscened.

What if that had been us with our girlfriends,or one of our friends and their girlfriend? The emotional scarring,the trauma that was no doubt suffered?

My mate had a pretty vivid idea of what he would do if given the chance,to the despicable beasts.Quite unprintable stuff really.But I wouldn't disagree with his idea.

Fantastic 4: Rise Of The Silver Surfer opens tomorrow.

Will be going movie crazy over this month and the next.I already watched 3.The above and Transformers still to come.

The Simpsons' Movie,Goal 2,Harry Potter 5 & Die Hard 4.0 already lined up for next month.

Not sure when Rush Hour 3 comes out.But the trailer is funny as hell.

Chris Tucker,in the words,of my mate Kevin,'a noisy bastard'.I couldn't agree more.

He is priceless in Rush Hour and Money Talks(with Charlie Sheen).

With qoutes like "I'm Blackanese!" and also introducing himself as "Sammy Davis Jr Jr",he is a funny bugger.

Right now,in the States,it would be the 21st birthday of the Olsen twins.Yeah,I used to have a crush on Mary Kate.


Cut me some slack okay? I was freakin NINE YEARS OLD!


Anyways,happy birthday to Mary Kate.And of course,Ashley too.Just for old time's sake.

It is quite tiring (somehow) to come back home so late again.Guess I'm having a grand old time,relaxing and not doing much.Just how I should spend this short break before I get back on the books next term.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Of Lyrics & Lines

Just got back from hanging with the mates.

Been wanting to write out a song for ages.

I've had bits of inspiration saved in my mobile,not actual lyrics but just general reminders of what the song could be about and the direction it could take but I haven't been able to carve them out into something workable.

I don't actually write songs for them to be good or anything,it's just another form of creative release,something I do on the side to relief stress.Just like poetry,playing the guitar,stuff others do as a form of release,that's what I'm trying to do.I just realised that even blogging can be seen as another way of doing it.

I may or not post it here.If it strikes me that I should then I might.Not for comments and reviews,good or otherwise but just for kicks.

Having said that,I do actually have to get down to getting the song written first,don't I?

Was talking about movies and stuff just now when hanging with the mates.It made me think about scirpts and storylines,which we were making up and having loads of fun with the poppycock that we spouting.That in turn,made me think about the TP's Drama Club and whether I should have joined them when I had the chance.

I could but I guess I didn't cos I knew how much time it was going to take up and I'm not sure I wanted that.The rehearsals,the conceptualisation meetings,the workshops and I should mention again the rehearsals.Simply cos they take up a lot of time.

But I have to say that all that is truckloads of fun and I will get invaluable exposure and have mind-blowing experiences.

But I guess I didn't join because of the time factor.It's a bit too late now.Maybe next year.

Even then,should I still join?

Some are telling me to join and others tell me not to but at the end of the day,it's what I want, right?

Oh bugger,I don't know.Any ideas?

Right,I'll be off now.I'll be TRYING to write a song.And maybe I'll get Open Season on Demand TV since I have no real plans tomorrow and can sleep late.

P/S: I was thinking about the post title when it suddenly struck me that I wanted to read Shakespeare.I don't know why.'The Merchant Of Venice' and 'Othello' maybe?

Oh silly me and my linguistic urges.It's not like my vocabulary is better.Rather,I believe my standard is dropping and it's the only thing others have said I'm good at(apparently!).

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Mildly Busy Bumblebee Me

Will be a homebody today.

Woke up at 1 today.2 hours earlier than I would have liked.I'm feeling a little sluggish today. The effects of only coming home to roost at only 6am and sleeping at 7 plus the fact that I'm just loafing around at home today.

Will take this rest as a decent opportunity to do nothing.It will hold me in good stead for the next few days.

Dad's birthday tomorrow.3 of the siblings + the stepmom are pooling together about $90 to get the old gaffer something.I heard it was a belt or something.

What it means for me is that I will be $25 poorer.

I don't mind but it does come as a figurative shock to my finances cos it wasn't planned.But it's alright. Dad's supposed to give me money every month anyway and he hasn't done so for this month so I should be getting some of it back.

Haha.Calculative I know but he is supposed to give the money like he does in any other month, right?

Will be with dad and the rest of the siblings tomorrow.

Due to the my less than healthy financial condition at the point in time,coupled with the fact that I was preparing for term tests,I have yet to watch POTC3:At World's End.

I planned to do so this Monday.Hopefullu it doesn't fall through.

On Tuesday,I will be busy in the morning as I will have to head back to TP from 9 to 2 for PACESetters 2nd round selections.

It sounds so sports-related doesn't it? 'Selections'. I wish it was.It's for the TP Ambassadors CCA.

The wanker called me only 2 days after my other friends were notified to alert me to my selection.And he called at night too.

So,it begs the question.Was it a matter of a delayed follow-up on their part? Or was I called up as a replacement for others who due to some reason or other,could not commit to following through?

I think it is the latter.

No matter.

I am a fan of soccer and this situation would be the perfect platform for me to use politically-correct soccer jargon and colloquialisms to express my view.

"It doesn't matter if I was high up on the list of preferred candidates or otherwise,what matters is that I got in and I'll just keep everything else aside to give it all I've got.The way I see it,it starts all over again in this round and I've got another shot to prove that I can cut it.I'm going to take that shot and then let them make of it what they will."

I may have plans on Wednesday but it hasn't been confirmed at the publishing point of this entry.

Regardless,it is clear that I have stuff to do over the next few days.I was hoping to get in a bit of a kickabout or two at the soccer court during this 2 week break but that will have to wait.

I think that if Ryan Cabrera were to release an album now,I would so buy it.Yeah,all is stuff is a little sappy but frankly,I don't care.I may buy his previous somphomore album if I can find it at a discounted price.

I think it's cos I can identify with what he sings about.

Bad Vibes

Ocean's 13 was great.Real slick and top notch.They were totally devious buggers.But not only did they get the job done,they did it with a touch of class.The chemistry between the cast is great,evident between the dynamics between Danny(George Clooney) & Rusty(Brad Pitt).A notch above 12.Falls short of the surprise that was in Ocean's 11 but the twists in this one do leave me smirking at their ingenuity as well.

4 out of 5 stars.

Gosh darn it,it's 7am and I'm still up.Haha.Been up since 11am the previous day.Body's tired but can't say I'm sleepy.Hung out with mates till the first bus came in.

I was on the way back from the movie with a mate.On the bus back,I developed a sudden bad feeling in my gut.I couldn't pinpoint it.I just felt uneasy just like that and couldn't explain why.I had it for quite a while after I got down.

Hopefully it ain't anything bad.

Well,I really should be off to bed now.Will probably wake up somewhere around 2 or 3.


Thursday, June 07, 2007

You,Through My Eyes

Been resisting temptations to download Maroon 5 songs. Will buy their sophomore mainstream album instead.

Linkin Park's sound seemed to have evolved.In a good way.But due to lack of cash,I will probably only buy one record.

One last paper tomorrow.It would be wrong for me to struggle through it.I shouldn't.

Am contemplating buying Russell Peters' DVD.Say what you want,the man is funny.Chinese version of the YMCA? HAH! Hilarious....

He ain't racist cos he makes fun of his own race too.A lot.And people of those races being made fun of laugh along as well.

Day was pretty much nothing.Just went back to Bishan to get back my cert.Nothing big cos I'll probably be back there again sooner rather than later.

Day was pretty much filled with nothing really.Just waiting for tomorrow morning to come and get the paper over with.

Out of randomness,I just thought of this...

What does it mean to fall in love? Or is that nothing more than a fabrication of the big screen?

Does it really happen? Or do two people just mutually agree to be with each other when they get together?

Yeah that's all.

I'd dearly wish that you'd stop feeling so down. You're far better than that. If only you can see what I see when I look at you.Maybe you wouldn't be so down then.

They say that when it rains, it pours. But weather the storm cos the sun will shine sooner rather than later.I wish I could do more but I'm nothing more than a friend. All I can do is watch from afar and whisper encouragement from the distance.

I won't lie. It sucks and it hurts,I agree.But there's still so much time to make it right.You are who you are.And that is a wonderful person.So stop scolding yourself for being you cos there's absolutely nothing wrong with you.

There may be other parts of your life not going well either but I'll always be here if you need me.

Good night friend.

Monday, June 04, 2007


"Bollocks" is a word of Anglo Saxon origin, meaning testicles in British English and in Hiberno-English. The word is often used figuratively, most commonly as a noun to mean "nonsense" or as an expletive following a minor accident or misfortune, but also in a number of other ways: as an adjective to mean "poor quality" or "useless", as a noun to mean "top quality" or "perfection" (e.g., "That bike is the dog's bollocks!"), and in various compound expressions (see below). Owing to its versatility, bollocks has been called the Swiss Army knife of andrological profanities, in that it is the most versatile word in the English language."

Dear readers, today we will be expressing the abovementioned term in the negative sense.

I just don't believe today and what went down. Macroeconomics was supposed to be my 'bankable' paper. It was the paper that I knew I could score in.One look through the paper left me with a good feeling.It was tricky but I felt that I had all the bases covered.

I was merrily going through the paper and I did skip a part or two just so I could finish up the easier parts.I was looking for the clock but I couldn't find one located in the LT.I just didn't notice it.I thought I had adequate time.

It turns out I didn't.As a result,I've lost a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 15 marks.

Not counting any other mistakes to the work that I did complete.Thank God I skipped ahead to cover some heavier questions or I would have lost a considerable bit more.

When the call came out to put pens down and hand in the papers,I was in shock.


Nothing else I could do.

But this is absolute bollocks mate!


I was pretty inscenced with myself.To not finish it for lack of revision is one thing but not to finish because of lack of time is pure and utter claptrap! ESPECIALLY WHEN I KNOW I CAN ANSWER EVERYTHING!!!

I know,people will say that I should have made it a point to finish faster and in hindsight they would probably be right.But I don't care.

This is one of those things that are supposed to be quite trivial but it ended up affecting my grade!

I was just unhappy with myself.Cursing myself under my breath.I let my mate know as well when I met him.

Kinda forgot about it after a while but when I returned home and was having my shower,I let myself have it.

Every expletive that I knew in every language came flying out.

The favourites were 'bollocks,mate' and 'puta'(Spanish)

Not a good day for me...

12 to 15 marks gone just like that!

Emptiness Comes With Waiting

Sorta been under this past week.Been submerged in preparations for term tests.Starts in approximately 12 hours from now.I still have a bit more to do for the following papers.But hopefully I just need to skim through to tie up the looser points in my mind.

Will be down after the paper tomorrow as well.Still frantically trying to finish revisions for the 2nd paper.

I did have it all scheduled out.I was supposed to finish revisions for the 2nd paper by today but as it stands I still have 3 units to go.

It can be done, I hope.

It sure is a rush job but can't complain now.Just gotta do it.Shouldn't have let it get to this point in the first place.

Last paper on Thursday.

Will be free for 2 weeks after that.


My mate's been getting major face time with his object of adoration recently.

He's gotta be pleased as punch.Aren't ya mate? I'm sure...

I've been thereabouts also.But it's no surprise,it's not where I want to be.I mean it's nice but to me, it's a case of right things happening with the wrong girl.

Happened before.

Right interactions,wrong girl.Haha.

But having said that I'm kinda floating right now.

I don't mind it really except for the fact that there is nothing to fill my mind and my heart.Like there used to be.

I guess that happens when you're just waiting for something.While you're waiting for something sweet to make your day.

Off to sleep for 6 hours before waking up to mug some more.

Thank God the paper's in the noontime-ish.