Thursday, June 14, 2007

Passion In Impassivity

Back from another late slacking session with the mates.

Had to walk home cos I missed the last bus.Not too bad.I do have my dependable Walkman phone that can keep me company.They even have a line from the ad campaign about it don't they?

"I 'insert logo' missing the last bus home." That was transposed over a scene of a guy walking home on a deserted street after obviously missing the last bus home.

Just like me tonight.

Someone tagged me with a rather weird name.

I removed it for the fact that I didn't want others to see that someone had tagged themselves as that.Perhaps a dig at my penchant for using Brit slang and oddities in my posts.

I don't see them as vulgarities or insults.I use them to colour my vocabulary with no malice behind the usage.My close mates would know this.In fact,we colour our vocabulary quite well. Completely harmless.

Any contentious matters should be mentioned with civility and the usage of unidentifiable pseudonyms should be avoided.

In the early evening,I played soccer at the soccer court.We were quite average by my reckoning but somehow we managed to stay in all the way and remain unbeaten.It did get quite heated in the midst of competition.

Moving on,there was one topic of discussion that was undertaken with quite considerable vitriol today.

I try to leave out daily social issues and happenings as they would have been extensively covered in the media but for this one I have to make an exception.

In Malaysia,a couple was tracked by 4 men while in their car and to make a long story short,the girl had to give herself up to 3 men just so she could avert the risk of her boyfriend being killed.As if it was wasn't bad enough,that girl was 19.

19.That's a girl my age.That hits home harder.

Needless to say,we were quite inscened.

What if that had been us with our girlfriends,or one of our friends and their girlfriend? The emotional scarring,the trauma that was no doubt suffered?

My mate had a pretty vivid idea of what he would do if given the chance,to the despicable beasts.Quite unprintable stuff really.But I wouldn't disagree with his idea.

Fantastic 4: Rise Of The Silver Surfer opens tomorrow.

Will be going movie crazy over this month and the next.I already watched 3.The above and Transformers still to come.

The Simpsons' Movie,Goal 2,Harry Potter 5 & Die Hard 4.0 already lined up for next month.

Not sure when Rush Hour 3 comes out.But the trailer is funny as hell.

Chris Tucker,in the words,of my mate Kevin,'a noisy bastard'.I couldn't agree more.

He is priceless in Rush Hour and Money Talks(with Charlie Sheen).

With qoutes like "I'm Blackanese!" and also introducing himself as "Sammy Davis Jr Jr",he is a funny bugger.

Right now,in the States,it would be the 21st birthday of the Olsen twins.Yeah,I used to have a crush on Mary Kate.


Cut me some slack okay? I was freakin NINE YEARS OLD!


Anyways,happy birthday to Mary Kate.And of course,Ashley too.Just for old time's sake.

It is quite tiring (somehow) to come back home so late again.Guess I'm having a grand old time,relaxing and not doing much.Just how I should spend this short break before I get back on the books next term.


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