Saturday, June 09, 2007

Mildly Busy Bumblebee Me

Will be a homebody today.

Woke up at 1 today.2 hours earlier than I would have liked.I'm feeling a little sluggish today. The effects of only coming home to roost at only 6am and sleeping at 7 plus the fact that I'm just loafing around at home today.

Will take this rest as a decent opportunity to do nothing.It will hold me in good stead for the next few days.

Dad's birthday tomorrow.3 of the siblings + the stepmom are pooling together about $90 to get the old gaffer something.I heard it was a belt or something.

What it means for me is that I will be $25 poorer.

I don't mind but it does come as a figurative shock to my finances cos it wasn't planned.But it's alright. Dad's supposed to give me money every month anyway and he hasn't done so for this month so I should be getting some of it back.

Haha.Calculative I know but he is supposed to give the money like he does in any other month, right?

Will be with dad and the rest of the siblings tomorrow.

Due to the my less than healthy financial condition at the point in time,coupled with the fact that I was preparing for term tests,I have yet to watch POTC3:At World's End.

I planned to do so this Monday.Hopefullu it doesn't fall through.

On Tuesday,I will be busy in the morning as I will have to head back to TP from 9 to 2 for PACESetters 2nd round selections.

It sounds so sports-related doesn't it? 'Selections'. I wish it was.It's for the TP Ambassadors CCA.

The wanker called me only 2 days after my other friends were notified to alert me to my selection.And he called at night too.

So,it begs the question.Was it a matter of a delayed follow-up on their part? Or was I called up as a replacement for others who due to some reason or other,could not commit to following through?

I think it is the latter.

No matter.

I am a fan of soccer and this situation would be the perfect platform for me to use politically-correct soccer jargon and colloquialisms to express my view.

"It doesn't matter if I was high up on the list of preferred candidates or otherwise,what matters is that I got in and I'll just keep everything else aside to give it all I've got.The way I see it,it starts all over again in this round and I've got another shot to prove that I can cut it.I'm going to take that shot and then let them make of it what they will."

I may have plans on Wednesday but it hasn't been confirmed at the publishing point of this entry.

Regardless,it is clear that I have stuff to do over the next few days.I was hoping to get in a bit of a kickabout or two at the soccer court during this 2 week break but that will have to wait.

I think that if Ryan Cabrera were to release an album now,I would so buy it.Yeah,all is stuff is a little sappy but frankly,I don't care.I may buy his previous somphomore album if I can find it at a discounted price.

I think it's cos I can identify with what he sings about.


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