Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Artistic Fuel

I got an absolutely lousy time slot for the interwiew.I gotta report at 8.30pm on Friday.

I gotta go to school.At least its not Saturday.

I need something new to occupy my life.

It's not a matter of filling up time.

I need to feel like I'm not just wasting my time away.That I'm doing something productive, something that gives me purpose in my life.

School's got me occupied in terms of time and effort for sure but not in terms of passion.

I need something new in my life.Or new activities.

More plays,more concerts,more movies,a class,a script...something of the like.

Jet's the next big mainstream act coming down for a live show.Don't think they're big enough for me to spend $95 bucks for a pass.

Reminds me,I'm still bitter about missing the Fall Out Boy concert.

Hamlet's play is running till the 27th.But I don't think it's a mega-production so I'll pass.

POTC 3 coming out this week.Maybe I'll watch it the following Monday.

In June;

Ocean's 13 coming out on the 7th.

Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer opens on the 14th.

Transformers flying in on the 28th.

It looks like that's what will be occupying me the next few weeks.

Rather shallow and hardly fulfilling my creative release needs but it'll have to do, unfortunately.

The tricky part is finding willing parties to keep me company. Willing parties who aren't short of cash.Though I am willing to treat if I can afford it.


Gosh,I can't wait for Cross Disciplinary Classes to start next semester.

Introduction to French.

Bonjour ca va,madamoiselle! Parler Francais? Moi? Oui!

Michael Buble was asked this particular question in an interwiew,regarding his album.

"Love seems to be the thread that ties all these songs together.

Buble: Yes. We're all either madly in love, sloghtly in love, dreaming about love, recovering from love, reflecting on it, wondering where it is, where it went, when it's coming back and if it's coming back. We've all been there."

Michael dude,I can't believe how spot on you've got it.Brilliant.



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