Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Being Happy & Sad While Attempting Indifference

I was supposed to finish updating yesterday but my sis came along and got me out of the way.

Anyways I went down to HVM on Monday to get Fall Out Boy's Infinity On High & Michael Buble's Call Me Irresponsible.While I was there,they were blasting Timbaland's Shock Value over the system and I ended up getting that too.

Cost me a bomb.

Fall Out Boy's music has such good,enthusiastic energy.

Timbaland's CD is worth it cos of the sick beats he makes.

I'm still amazed that Michael Buble's been the man who got me hooked to an aspect of pop/jazz. It''s like he's 'one of the guys' but he also makes jazzpop easy to listen too.Great when I'm in a chillout mood.

Sunny,the ever ardent die-hard,went ahead to go and get Daft Punk's special edition CD/DVD set which cost him $41 bucks.More than 2 of my CDs,that.

Well I guess,when you're a fan,you're a fan....

He came across a saying I guess which many mey have heard before.

"Should I be happy that we're friends or sad cos that's all we'll ever be?"

Hmmm,I know mate,I know how you feel.

Rather significant for both of us.Both of us,but seperately of course.

Don't give up,mate keep going.

An online pal of mine heard of something quite similar too and we talked about it just a lil bit.

The whole internal debate I've been having about whether I should take up a CCA seems to have come to a resolution.

I think I have to.One that is 'light'.So I may still get a job.

And today a lecturer was speaking at great length about the PACESetters.About how they would be the poly's ambassadors at big events,ie,ushers.But also mixing with the VIPs when they are being held.

Grooming,eloquence will be taught to us.Membership is dependent on the passing of an interview,so it isn't exactly a given.

Personally,I need something 'light' and not as intense as the CCA in ITE.But the fact that I will be taught rather useful mannerisms that will serve me well in many a situation will be a definite plus.

Another factor is that SEAL points (aka CCA points) will be crucial to any scholarship application in the future and God knows I quite need them.

I've picked up the application form.I have till 11th May to submit.

I swear.I'm still hoping I don't make a big splash.Low profile,under the radar.The emphasis of my school life.

Today for example,after the last lecture ended,I bolted straight out of the school,stopping only to get my stuff in order.Granted,I was rushing to be somewhere else but this would have been an unimaginable scene back in my 2nd year of ITE.

Oh and lecture notes and textbooks cost an arm and a leg in poly.Bloody hell.


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