What I Would Give To Feel Apathetic
I need new shoes and a bag for school.If I get them,I can cross 2 things off my long-term wish list.
I saw a pair of Adidas Originals going for $79.Yeah,they're low-end stuff.The high-end ones cost anywhere from $160 to $200+.Still they're Adidas.And they are off the fashion line and not the sports line,which is what I'm looking for.
May buy them when my sis and my dad give me money that they were supposed to give.My sis owes me quite a bit.Don't mean to be petty but I do need to use it for school stuff as well.
I saw the Harley bag but I'd probably could do just as well with a less niche bag brand.Converse might do the job.As long as it's got the size without cramping the style,I'm good.
Yes,I do consider new shoes and a bag school essentials.Feels like it's right too.
I do have other wants.I saw the Frank Lampard autobiography and was skimming through it.It was kind of nice to read.But it was a hardcover copy and cost $30+.
Footie fans may view this with disdain,given that outside of Chelsea Blue,Lampard is disdained to an even greater degree.Well,given the skimmed content,I'd say it's the only one that is most value for money.
Ever watch American History X? I did last time and it's brill.I was just thinking about it and may want to rent it.The scene where Edward Norton's character kills the black guy gives me the creeps till today cos of the simplicity of the violence involved.
I've been wondering how my new classmates will be.Yeah,probably younger than me.But I hope that I can get along with them.Especially when it comes to projects.It's hell if project members are less than amicable with each other.Grades will then be affected.
I've heard that the Business School has nice looking girls and all.And that is a plus,but I don't really care.Okay that's a bit of a lie but it's sorta true somehow.
I'm over Roswell for a while already yeah,over it for my own good.Cos I have to get over it.Even if I don't want to,I have to and it's the past.
In the chase for the grade,initially,I might not be too bothered about chasing anything else.It'd probably be a lie if I said I would maintain apathy throughout all the 3 years but at the same time,I ain't exactly desperate to find.
Yeah,all that stuff about that dream girl is still there.Just thought that if she is out there and she's meant to come,she will come and there's no need to be on the hunt for her.If she doesn't whatever.If anything is bound to happen,it will.Simple as that.
About Roswell Girl,she's still a great girl and all those qualities I preached about her still stand and significantly,she's still a friend.
The damndest thing is that she's still appearing in my dreams.And in these dreams,I like her.For fuck's sake,won't my subconscious give it a rest? Ugh...trying to forget,I wish I could.
Noticed that in my last few posts,I've been quoting from movies and I realised that I posted 2 in a row and both these movies had Keira Knightley starring in them.
Gosh,she's a fit lass.That means she's a good looking girl.Her accent still kills me the same.
Hope dad can gimme the cash like he's supposed to every month.I can go get the bag.It's more important than the shoes,I feel.
Here's hoping.
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