This Sinking Feeling
I miss you.I miss it.I miss them.
I don't know what it is,but ever since the evening,there's been this empty feeling in my stomach.
The troubling thing is that I can't pinpoint why.
Is it Roswell Girl?
Why would it be?
Is it the fact that I'll be leaving my friends that I've made in my CCA?
Or is the uncertainty of leaving the sanctuary I've psychologically built for myself in ITE scaring the living daylights out of me?
Maybe that too.
All of the above?
Sounds about right...
It's an inexorable move and the sickening thing is I can't do anything about it.
The laughs,the joys,the scary days.
Goodbye to it all.
There will be other days but it just ain't the same.
I think that that's what people leaving will say most.
Some of us are going for further studies,some national service,some working and some still undedcided.Everybody is going to do something different.
I wish I need not leave my CCA.Doubt it's possible.
Even if I am bogged down with this last project and revisions and essay submssions,I want to savour the last week of what has been a wonderful,eye opening 2 years.
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