Teetering On The Cliff's Edge
Out of the convoluted mind of Roger Milliard the writer, Derek the Director reenters the real world as Khairul, the 21 year old student, the ordinary extraordinaire.
Back he goes to school to face a trial project presentation that he totally forgot about. Thank God, it wasn't a graded one.
It's a slight comfort to have a break from drama this past Friday. I'm sure things will soon pick up after a bit, seeing as to how the next event we are gonna have is on the 9th of Jan '09, the TP Open House.
Being very near the mid-point of this semester, it sorta jolted me. Pretty soon, I'm gonna be a 3rd year student.
It kinda snuck up on me. It didn't feel too far back where I was lamenting the unfortunate nature of being a freshie.
Now, I'm already gonna be facing mid-sems on the 12th of December.
Supposed to watch a play tomorrow, hope it's decent. I am paying a fair bit for it.
Looks like I'll have to shelve plans to get the latest edition of Football Manager release till next month. I saw it just now and was very tempted to get it. Very. But I managed to hold out.
I've seen some interesting things over the past few weeks. Politeness has given way to indifference and even resentment, as true colors are shown and seen. Some of the negativity may be justified, but most of it isn't.
I think it's a matter of tolerance and also understanding that everyone is different and there is no reason to be hatin' on someone just cause they don't agree with you.
Personally, I'm not really affected cos I stay out of it. I do so by not bothering really. Life's complicated enough without trying to turn it into a soap opera.
For the record, I don't claim to be immune to being human, to disagreeing and disliking things. But I'm just stating the fact that I've seen/known about some interesting things that have unfolded in my environment.
I'm not expecting any joy to come out of this thing I'm thinking of doing. I wish I could be more positive but it looks bleak.
But, I owe it to myself to at least give it a shot. If I have to take a bullet and bite the dust, I want to at least know my intentions were good and sincere. Honest-to-God, no hidden motives.
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