You're The Light On This Wild, Uncharted Road
I've left this space to gather dust, I suppose. This one's gonna be the longest one since ages. Even then, I was lazy. I started on this post a couple of days ago, and then again today in the day. The time, as I add it in just before I publish is 3.35 AM on a Sunday morning. Procrastination? Oh, very much so.
Well, it's not been THAT long but quite a bit occurred since the last post. Not sure I'll blog about all though. I'll just see what I can get to.
The day after the last post, I headed off to an ITE classmate's birthday celebration. It was a mini-reunion of sorts, since some of us came down. It wasn't long before we got down to our usual shenanigans. It felt nice, it felt like old times.
I think this picture encapsulates the fun that we had.
When the next weekend came around, it was a trip back to the clubs, O Bar to be exact. The new crowd was fun and nice conversations. It'll be nice to meet them again soon. Always nice to have options for the weekend.
On the following Tuesday, I finally got my hands on this...
For those of you who don't know, that's one of the hottest rappers today, T.I. and that's the cover of his latest album Paper Trail.
After two fruitless attempts scouring the island, I finally got it. I expected to get it on 30/9/08, the release date but that applied for the U.S only, apparently. Well better late than never.
I couldn't help but get something else to go along with that one.
Again, for those of you who don't know. This is the cover of Lil' Wayne's album cover and no, he's not that little. That's his baby picture and those tats were superimposed on the baby picture. He's also one of the hottest in the rap game, though his fans do overhype him at times. This album currently holds the record for being the best selling record of 2008.
1,005,545 unit sold in its first week!
I wanted to get another CD but managed to restrain myself. More on that later.
On the night of the 16th something calamitous almost happened, though not to me. Thankfully, all parties involved ended up just fine.
At the beginning of the year, I would have said that my 21st birthday would be something big but as the year passed, I began to have my doubts.It reached the point where I was more than happy to let the day pass without incident.
And it turned out just like that. Not counting a movie and dinner with the mates. But we would have done that on any other weekend anyway.
They did get me a little something and I liked what they got me.

It's obviously a soccer jersey. The interesting thing about the jersey is at the back of it. But I can't show it here because it will cause controversy if I did. So, I won't. Cheeky buggers, those mates of mine. Genius almost, certainly cheeky.
Another surprise when I reached home...

Yes, yes. Those are the letters found on the inside of my new wallet. I have to thank Mom & Sis for this one. Although I did go to the store to exchange it for the one they originally gave me, cos I was looking for a different style of wallet. Without buying their one first, I would have had to shell out quite a bit for this one. So thanks must be accorded.
Not the greatest birthday but I'm quite appreciative that it wasn't the worst either. =)
Soon after that, school opened, on the 20th.
// P A R T D E U X (T W O)
Well, school opened on the 20th but I didn't start till the 21st cos I had no lessons on the first day.
The schedule isn't too. It could have been worse.
At lunch, with the new classmates, I got another surprise when I got a gift-wrapped package, and inside was...

A Birthday card with sincere well-wishes on the inside.

The CD that I wanted to buy the other time but didn't. RnB soul-man Robin Thicke's latest album, Something Else. His songs may not be catchy, radio-friendly hits but I don't care. He's got a nice voice, his songs fit the mood for those lazy, quiet nights where one just wants to chill.
Thank you very much, dear friend. A gift is definitely sweeter when not expected. It's nice of you to go through all that trouble.
The new classmates have been quite fine. The modules are all PBL-based and that sucks. Interestingly, I'm the only Man Utd fan in the class, Quite surprising, honestly. You would have thought that there'd be at least one more.
As you see, life's been very interesting and varied for me. I even ended up watching High School Musical 3: Senior Year. When the 1st instalment came out, I never thought I'd end up watching the 3rd one at the cinema. And I wanted to, it wasn't as if there was nothing else to watch. It was a very enjoyable movie but you have to allow yourself to enjoy it and throw your snobbish inclinations away when you watch it. It's good, campy and fun. An enjoyable treat.
But with the ups also comes the downs.
The pressure to do well this semester is overwhelming. Having 5 modules that are all HEAVILY based on projects, does not help. Individual endeavor, which would usually suffice has to give more space to interpersonal communication, such is the nature of group projects.
Drama's on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. The showdate of 22nd November is running up to meet us and we're not sure how ready we are.
I've been looking at myself and frankly, I'm not liking where I am.
I know I can do better but I'm not doing the things that will get me the results that I want.
A year and a half of...incompetence, to put it quite bluntly at the polytechnic level has allowed self-doubt to creep back in.
I know what I want. I know where I want to be. Now, I have to figure out how to get there.
You could say, I'm lost. I gotta find that road but I don't know where it is.
Admittedly, I've been on the edge lately. I try not to let it show but it's hard. I've been moody and a little snappy. I may even have stepped on a few toes. Especially in school. I'm sorry if I did do that. It's just not been a good time for me. Still, that's no excuse. I didn't have an outburst or anything, just that I feel like I've been ruder than usual. Maybe I haven't been, but I sure feel like I have.
Personally, I feel I could be better as well. I wish I was. I wish I knew the right things to do, the right things to say.
To sum this last part up, I'm falling to pieces, but I know what I want and where I want to be so, I use the things and people I love to give me strength to cast aside doubts and distractions to try and do well this time round.
We can swing, we can swing back to happy. And we'll make it.
Life's just funny like that, isn't it?
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