The Bored, The Regretful, The Hopeful & Sometimes The Hopeless; All The Same Man
My tummy's gotten bigger. Can't say the same for the rest of my body. But the tummy is bigger so, I suppose I am now stating the need to do something about it.
I haven't done sports in ages. I haven't been jinking about on the soccer court like I was before. I'm not purporting that I ran well before but I can say with full confidence that running, whether about or in painted circles of the tracked kind, now seem like an alien concept to me.
In short, I need to run off tummy fat. The treadmill gym, the stadium track, either one will be the venue of my choice. There is the 3rd of option of partaking in soccer again but chances are low, seeing as to how soccer is a team sport and that make up my usual team is away serving the country, as mandated by law.
I have 3 new tops from Topman (where else, huh?; Thanks to Eza for helping me pick em out!) and I'm very happy with them.
Right now, highlights are only from Saturday to Tuesday. Soccer on the telly on the weekends, latest Entourage episodes on Monday, latest Heroes & Prison Break episodes on Tuesday. The rest of the week is pretty much nothing. Honest. That's sorta sad, innit?
There's this new movie coming out soon starring Brad Pitt and the concept, I feel anyways, is quite interesting.
"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"
I think the idea's been done before but certainly not this way.
Last night, as I lay in bed waiting for Mr. Sandman to come, the words came to me in a clear and succinct manner. It was more organized, if you will. The same words that I've always wanted to say but I know I can never say them.
Maybe I'll pen them down in a letter. A letter that I shall not send and the recipient never receive. I'll pen them down just for the sake of doing it, perhaps a poor attempt to not bottle it up inside. But then again, writing a letter that will never be sent and therefore never received and the contents not made known...that's pretty much the same thing, isn't it?
Oh, tarnation, it sounds bad but I do really mean it in the best way possible, sometimes I wish I wasn't your friend.
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