Just The Tip Of The Iceberg
The Psychology test wasn't too bad. It could have gone a lot worse but it didn't and I think I'll survive.
Things have toned down a tad. Only the Psychology presentation left standing.
I even did a bit Biz Finance after, even though it was only the tutorial.
I've had much to contemplate in the past two days.
I've been questioning my worth recently. It's not low self-esteem. It's just, I know I'm capable of achieving much more, that I'm not just average. I have little accomplishments that I can achieve. Not that there's anything wrong with being average but I'm sick of being "the nearly man", one who does many things but never quite achieving anything.
I don't want to just talk and talk and not deliver. Surely this is not all I can be? There are so many pre-conceived notions and expectations about what I can do, my talents and my abilities. Will I not use them to do something with my life, or will I just slip into anonymity and be just another person who won't bother because chasing dreams aren't practical in the real world?
Out of all the negativity, is a long-standing positive truth. No matter what happens, good or bad, there is always somethere there to inspire, help us keep our heads up. We only need to look for it, no matter how bleak the situation seems to be.
It is that truth that keeps me going on, to try to be better, for myself and that truth.
Pardon the generalizations. But basically what I'm trying to say (for my own sake, mostly) is that I can be better than the average person that people think I am. I can work harder, be more creative, write this, take up this hobby, etc.
The only person stopping me from really fulfilling my potential is me. I'm just using the real world as an excuse. After all, if I really want it, I should go for it, right?
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