Habitual Posting
I don't know why and how I've managed the find to blog regularly again. Not too many read this blog but it's never been a numbers game for me. It's somehow still alive after 3 years. I'm just glad I have a place to express myself, for my own sake and if whatever I say befits the interest of others, so be it. Hardly think so though, I'm about as exciting as drying paint.
Every damn time the inspiration to blog hits, I forget what I wanted to blog about in the first place.
Going to see a local production of MacBeth tomorrow. Hope it's good.
Tsk, tsk, I am now multi-tasking. I'm working on a project, blogging, Facebooking and surfing the Net all at the same time.
I finally finished reading the copy of "To Kill A Mockingbird" that I bought last year. Just to see what the all the fuss was about.
Next up, "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" by Ken Kesey, written in 1962. Apparently, he wrote it while he was high on drugs like LSD. Interesting.
Also, Ernest Hemmingway's "For Whom The Bell Tolls"
Yeah, I know this following song is dated but I think it fits so very much now.
It's obviously a cover of an old Mariah Carey song.
And just for kicks, for those open-minded people when it comes to music and also for those who will be bewildered and asking what in blazes am I doing, listening to such a song comes the following...
Imran Khan - Ni Nachle(h)
While I'm not open to all kinds of music, I like to think I'm pretty varied, being able to change from listening to Avenged Sevenfold, Imran Khan, Carrie Underwood and Daft Punk with relative ease.
Right, I'd better get back to the project then.
I suffer now to love and be loved later. Good night, love.
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