Still A Stubborn Fool
I guess I've been really letting updating this blog slide lots.
I used to average a post per 3 days.
Nowadays, lots happen but I don't even let people who come here know about it.
The project mates have been way decent. I like 'em. It helps lots in making the project more bearable when our project facilitator is one that spouts lots of hot air, talking lots yet never really being able to say anything that matters at the same time.
Problem-based learning projects are sorta new. It's easier (than straight on studying) but harder (cos of its independent nature) at the same time.
I watched Superhero Movie. I think these kinds of movies are best seen online, on cable or on DVD. Totally not worth a cinema trip, a trip which I unfortunately made.
5 out 10 stars
I also went to watch Iron Man today.
Now this on the other hand, is one worth watching on the big screen. By far, the most in depth and developed movie adaptation of a comic book series (based on a single movie release and not comparable to Spiderman, which had a trilogy)
The fact that the storyline was less formulaic; less action but more talk, actually aided the action when it did come.
The fact that great care was taken to focus on Tony Stark the man and not just Iron Man the superhero was a fact that wasn't lost on me.
Robert Downey Jr.'s portrayal of an egocentric genius carried the movie. I think the director and him really succeeded in making sure that this wouldn't be just a good blockbuster that would rake in the cash but also a good, sound movie in its own right.
Oh, there was also a part that made me go, "Did a white guy just try to speak Hindi?"
8.5 out of 10 stars.
I feel slightly overwhelmed with my new responsibilities in Dramatec at times but I know for a fact that it is only that way due to my own poor time and priority management.
School on Thursday is a drag. 9am-6pm. 3 tutorials and a lecture. A one hour break somewhere in there.
But due to my absolute refusal to wake up in the mornings, I will have to attend a Psychology lecture from 6pm to 7pm. I missed my lecture, scheduled for 9am today.
In my own free time, I've been mouthing a couple of French words and phrases. Just like German however, the time-telling is proving to be tricky.
As I usually do, I'll end off in an introspective manner.
I've been telling you a white lie only to make you believe that the smile on my face is genuine and nothing is wrong and I'm fine. However, I'd dearly wish that you know the truth; I still hold on to the memories.
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