Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Simple Intent

Not really happy with my new timetable.

I mean, it's all right, could be better but the problem is that the scheduling isn't very flexible so I can't move around my lectures to make it suit my preferences.

I'll just take it week by week. As ridiculous as it sounds, I've got to approach the next 6 months strategically and tactically.

Wait, that does sound like a load of rubbish.

What I'm trying to say is that I shouldn't let outside factors and unnecessary, impractical emotions get in the way of doing what I need to do in school this semester.This has been a bane of my first year in TP.

Hopefully I'm a year wiser and wise enough to remain unflinching when the going gets tough in school, like we all know it can.

I've been busy with lots and lots of drama lately but I'll give the latest on that some other time.

Dad drove by with the family in the car and had good eats at the KTM train station.

I came to a very simple but poignant realization (often ignored and overlooked for people's need to always assume the worst) while in the car.

This may be hard to believe, but the reason why I did some of the favours for you, wasn't because I wanted to deceive you and just get on your good side. I sincerely believe in this honest opinion that I did them because I just wanted to make you happy. The very thought that you could be happy because of something I did for you is a pleasurable idea.

I tire of the games that the birds and the bees have to play. Sometimes, it would be nice to see things just as they simply are. Not tainted by motives and uncomplicated by fear.

Just pure, unadulterated, no preservatives added, feelings.

I've always thought I was too much of a dreamer for my own good but it is in that trait tonight that I say that I'll turn in earlier tonight instead of staying up late like I usually do.

Maybe my dreams will provide escapes and possibilities that don't exist in my reality.


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