Cats, Comedians & Mediocre Results
Had a short school day today.
I was waiting for all my results to come in before I blogged about them but I was told by my Macroecons tutor that she will only give back the term test papers next week cos she wants to go through the project layout with us.
But I did okay for the rest.It's not ace stuff but I still have a good chance to finish well. Let me put it this way, it's like I finished 8th in a qualifying session of F1 and I start race day from there. Not too far back.My class has good students and I need to keep up with them.
I had no idea how I did so well for Comm Skills. It was something that I wasn't proud of.But I got competition.I got top spot just by being a mark better.I got real lucky this time round.If I marked my paper,I wouldn't do too well.
I thought I would do average for Accounting.But I ended up doing slightly better.Classmates did better but I'm satisfied with this start.But I hope to get a B for Macro.Emphasis on hope.Especially after losing 12-15 marks that easily.Dumb of me but that's an old story.Was also informed that there will be an Accounting class test on the 6th of August. It'll be held around 6-7 pm.
It's a Monday.I end lessons at 2.Another damn four hour wait.
It would have been fine if they had put the test on a Tuesday or Wednesday,cos I finish at 6.But it had to be on Monday.
Real swell huh? =(
There's this cat that's been coming to my house almost every other evening.It's a male stray and it's pretty fun to have around.It walks round the house,exploring and rubbing against everything.It's very playful and cute and likes to rub up against our legs.It has a very nice, slender tail and it's very inquisitive.It hardly sits still.It gets excited and likes to play with this long rope that we have and chases it around.
After it eats and plays,it goes back out to sleep outside somewhere in the area.
I play with the cat every now and then but it's mostly my sister that enjoys its company.Guess I'm still sorta loyal to the cat that is at my grandma's house.
We've been calling him by the oh-so-generic 'Cat' but I think I got my own name for him.
Kramer.A tribute to the funniest character in Seinfeld.So it's Kramer the cat.
I hope we don't get too attached cos honestly,I don't think this household has the time to keep a pet. I would hate it if we had to send it away or to the SPCA if it comes round too often.If it goes to the SPCA,it will be put to sleep and I'd HATE that.
I wanna make a trip down to HMV this weekend to go and see if they have Secondhand Serenade's CD in stock.May order if they don't.Also,would like to go and get Russell Peters' 'Outsourced' DVD online.He is one funny guy.
I think I'm suffering from post-footballitis-seasonitis.I need my weekly football fix soon.The excitement of every weekend is missing.
I'd thought it'd be industrious-sounding of me if I go ahead and finish the first part of my Macroecons projects tonight.The newspaper articles.Maybe not finish it off but start looking to finish it off my this weekend.That way,I can strike it off the list of various projects to be done.
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