It's only been a couple of days but I feel like I haven't posted in ages. I was wondering why that was and I think that the reason is cos so many things have happened. Not just to me but to people around me.
For me, it's more of hassles and inconveniences and pure bad luck but for others it's a just outright frustration and turmoil.
We haven't had a good start to 2008. It's early days in the year and we are flailing to grasp at the confusion and turmoil around us.
Where do I start? I'll just cover my random and boring details, stuff that happened to me. I won't really go into details about others' problems cos it's not my place to be commenting on them.
First off. MIC Studio. This is really how I felt.
Sleepover to prepare for the now-past Jan 08 Orientation.
It was a lot of work, a lot of stress. But I feel that I cannot truthfully say that I contributed much. It feels that way. I felt so inadequate and inept for not being up to standard.
Habib, the main SA, seems to have a good bunch of 1st years on his hands. A capable and TALENTED bunch.
Anyways, it was a sleepover where I only got 1 hour of sleep.I came straight from home after coming straight from school.After I woke up, I had to rush back to TP for a PACE workshop before coming back to Bishan to take my laptop.
I felt strained. But I know that others felt worse than me. I know this is gonna sound selfish but I was wondering if having too many things on my plate will eventually affect me but without me realizing it.
I just don't think that someone who is supposed to be totally geared towards TP and really doing better at school should be feeling so displaced when he has to rush for this and that and something else.
There has been a couple of times where I've skipped lectures for MIC or skipped MIC for lectures.For the part of me skipping lecs for MIC, it's not their fault. It was my prerogative and I take responsibility for it.
My point is that, I'm trying so hard to give to both that I end up not giving my best to either, which is what they deserve. So, the question that comes to me is if I should rule myself out right from the beginning? Out of MIC of course, cos I can't rule myself out of school.
Maybe I shouldn't have been involved in this particular project right from the off cos of the timing of it. I thought I could balance my time but turns out I can't do it all that well. It may not really be affecting me physically cos I can handle that part but it's may be affecting me mentally and I'm not consciously aware of it.
Anyways, MIC's skit was yesterday. I hope they killed it, like MIC always does. Heck, I know they did, that's how good I think they are.
I don't know if I'll be back to be involved in the preparations April '08 Orientation skit. As of right now, I think not but in the end I think I will be. If I am not involved, I'd still probably come and and peek in and help just a bit.
At the end of the sleepover, my beloved hard disk drive malfunctioned, leaving me with none of my music, movies and PICTURES. I feel sad for the pictures cos they're the only memories I have of some good times.
I can still recover them, but I must find a way to pay the market price of a minimum of $200. That's the cost of the data recovery service.
That really, really, really sucks.
I have to find up a way to come up with the money.
Oh, due to the 'brilliant' civil administration service at the Ministry of Education, the army people were alerted to the fact that I was no longer schooling. I had to go all the way to CMPB to clarify this and the clerk told me that even though they had alerted MOE, the latter is not doing anything to actively fix the problem.
I don't know if it's just ineptness or a system glitch but sometimes, students who are studying are listed as 'not studying' and those who aren't are listed as 'studying'(how lucky are these 2nd group of guys?)
Oh, on the day that I went to CMPB, another mate of mine SMSed me something about someone and I don't know why, I couldn't stop smiling in anticipation after that.I looked like a right mental case, what with me seemingly smiling to myself.
Oh and on the way to CMPB, the bus passed by GESS (not really hard to figure out the acronym but the reason is still a secret for those who don't know) and this made me smile even more.I looked like a real jackass.
I really hope I can do what I said I wanted to do in 08. 'go new places, try new things and meet new people' and not just say it and then not do it.
To my mate who is mired in turmoil and controversy,
'Hang in there mate, the rest of us are here if you need us and you'll make it through this shite.' Just like Earl man, it's all about Karma. Looking forward to the happy times for ya again, just like J-Man and Chandy! (inside joke)
To my dear friend who's had to question his/her(for privacy's sake and to keep people guessing) very cursed luck, question the point of trying so hard and making him/her feel like almost giving up,
'I don't know if my virtual words can make it better but hang in there. all you can do is keep going. don't give up cos you ain't alone cos I know someone else who is willing to be there for you through it all. Actually, I'm there too. Like I always told you i would be, as a friend, if you ever needed me. But I think somebody else has first dibs, hahaha! Maybe I don't know what it's like to walk in your shoes, but I can be there, walking right next to you'It sucks to see my friends all down and uncertain.
Tribute to troubled thinkers, teamed in yours truly's thoughts through the theme of trials and tribulations