Friday, February 29, 2008

Kaba Modern

It's late (or early, depending on how you look at it) but I just have to post this up before I forget.

It's Youtube clips of a nice show that hasn't hit local shores yet.

'America's Best Dance Crew'. More street and more hip-hop oriented than 'So You Think You Can Dance?' Randy Jackson of American idol fame fronts the producing credits as the most famous out of a team of producers.

I'm not gonna compare this show to our local version as that would open up another debate and I personally would like to appreciate local creativity,no matter the quality. At least they're trying, yo!

The 'Crew' in the title makes the show stand-out more. It may not be as general as 'So You Think You Can Dance?' and in that sense is restricted. But that's also what gives it uniqueness.

These are of a group called Kaba Modern.




I like the 3rd one the best. But I have to say the opening of the first one is pretty sick too.

Gosh, this reminds me that I've been staving of temptations to watch Step Up 2 online countless times, just so I can have the full experience in the cinema. Wahida says I'm her date for that so thank goodness that I have someone to go with. Otherwise, I probably would have succumbed to watching it online a while ago.

Away With All The Frenzy

Back here after quite a while.

By Jove! The exams are over! Time for spontaneous merry-making and reckless living.

Well no, maybe not. I did wish I could be that exciting though.

I'm somehow reminded of the time my mate actually burned his O Level books when that particularly beastly exam was done.

Yeah, he didn't just throw them away. He burned them. Like some sort of ritualistic offering to the gods of education, signifying his release from the cruel chains of secondary school life.

Nothing of that sort. Might dump the books after the 14th of March though.At least the notes.

Why after the 14th? That's when the results will be released and that's when I know if I need to go for a supplementary paper for Biz Stats. One would have to take the supp paper if they failed the main exam. Pass that an you get an automatic D grade, with a GPA value of only 1.0.

Yep, that's how badly I thought I fared for the Stats paper.

The rest were all right. Maybe As. At least Bs.

My nights became topsy-turvy due to numerous nights of overnight studying. BK at the airport and McD's at Rivervale Plaza became regular haunts of mine and of course, my mates as well.

I don't know why but I felt that this was the most cramming I've done for the exams. Yeah, I studied the same way that I did during my ITE days and my first poly semester but things went on to a completely different level this time. With concept-heavy (graphs)Microecons and content-heavy (theories) Principles of Management papers on the same day. Coupled with typical student dilly-dallying and procrastination, they very much occupied me during the study break.

Oh, and I'm not so full of myself. When I'm talking about the above situation, I fully realize that fellow students in my cohort have to face the same thing.

In fact, I know I'm better off since I need not face the Marketing like them, having already done so in the past.

A pleasant thing happened during the study break.It kept me going when my spirits were flagging but I have to remind myself that it's probably the most I can hope for and nothing more. If I do, I'll only end up disappointed like I was in the past.
But I'm still very thankful for those kind words that were said with complete sincerity.

Anybody catch the video of Lil Mama's new song 'Shawty Get Loose' featuring Chris Brown & T-Pain?

People say it was a rip-off of Michael and Janet Jackson's collabo, 'Scream' but I think I'll be kinder cos knowing Lil' Mama and Chris Brown, it was probably a tribute to that video rather than them trying to copy it. In this case, imitation is the best form of flattery.

In case you haven't seen it, watch it here

I'm really off today. Maybe the exams took more out of me mentally than I realized. Or maybe I'm just being lazy and blaming the exam stress for everything.

I thought when I reached home today,I would be soon out and about, enjoying a stress-free day but instead I fell asleep. Now, as I'm typing this, I'm sleepy again, despite already napping after I got home just now.

One of my recent favourite songs isn't a new one but I heard it a couple of weeks back and I'm still lovin' it. Most people may say it's just a boring ballad but it's just so meaningful to me.

Remember the pleasant incident that I said happened during the study break? That incident only served to increase the meaning and value of this song to me.

I may not be the best-looking or have the best brains but that doesn't stop me from aspiring to be like what this song is singing about to a certain someone, significant to me.

There isn't an official video cos there wasn't one made, this is just an audio track some other person posted for their special someone on Youtube. If you have the time, do listen and see why it's meaningful to me.


The rush of projects, the madness of mugging, let's forget all that for now, shall we?

At least for the next month and a half.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

One Day, Perhaps I'll See, Out Of The Corner Out My Eye.

Started off the day sick, enough to warrant a trip down to the doctor.

Spent the day mostly doing Biz Stats work and just surfing, finally caught up with Prison Break Ep12.

Also went over to Perez Hilton's domain to catch up on the latest celebrity news. For those who don't know, Perez Hilton is a celebrity blogger. He is one because he blogs about celebrities. So, that's his claim to fame.

Kind of funny. He's famous now cos he blogs about other famous people.

Also caught clips of 'Room 401' on YouTube.

Ashton Kutcher's really raking in the money. And he doesn't have to do more than the occasional movie every now and then.

First Punk'd and now Room 401?

I'm not sure how long this new series is going to last but I'm sure he's been smart enough to have some sort of pre-agreed amount that is a guaranteed minimum. He's got the success of Punk'd to use as a bargaining tool to get him a fair bit of money.

Room 401's been running for quite a number of episodes in the US. Naturally, Singapore is slightly slower to get it, even if it is MTV Asia.

Again for those who don't know, Room 401 is something like Punk'd except they scare (not prank!) normal people instead of celebrities, using special effects and little tricks.It's all fake but those getting pranked don't know it.

Go check out the clips of Room 401 on YouTube. The reactions of those pranked alone are reasons enough to go see.

I think I finally realized something about someone I know.

This person symbolizes the possibilities that are there for me in the near future. The kind that would see me make good on my resolution.But this person also shows the pitfalls in chasing that kind of life. I might lose sight of the simpler things that I take for granted now.

I'm not saying that knowing this person would automatically make me do that but I might if I don't have a good head on my shoulders and keep myself in check with reality.

It would all be my fault if it happens because it's my life and no one else's so it's my responsibility to see that it's going the right way.

Basically, what I'm talking about is about being so focused on the chase for something that I might change for the worse or lose out in the end. And there's this one person who symbolizes all that. I gotta make sure that doesn't happen.

Again, not that this person is bad for me, this person is bad only if I, myself, don't have my brain screwed on straight.

It entices but it should come with a disclaimer.Like those you see on those cigarette packets.

It all started with that red dress, dammit.

Maybe readers won't get all the bollocks I just typed. It's the best I can do without naming names. Sorry.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Wondering & Pondering & All Related Synonyms

United just lost 2-1 at home to our city rivals. On a day of tribute to the fallen Busby Babes too and probably letting our rivals move ahead of us.Could it be any worse? I don't even want to talk about it.

Despite the extra long weekend break, nothing much to report.

Oh, I did catch up on Prison Break Season 3, Episodes 9 and 10. In the midst of acquiring 11.

Went to the barber but it was teeming with patrons waiting for their turn so I guess I'll go tomorrow.

I've been thinking about a couple of things, or maybe just one big thing. Oh, I don't know. I'm uncertain enough on this issue.

If I could take a stab at what I think the root of the problem is, perhaps it's that...

I do want to move on and no longer dwell on the issue, but circumstances aren't letting me move on. There are no options to move on to. So I'm just stuck here till something new comes along.

Pardon me for being vague but I feel that it's best I express it this way.

And listening to Robin Thicke songs certainly aren't helping me.

That's all I have to say about that.

Before I end this short post, I'll leave you with this one.

From the movie '100 Girls', which I watched a long, long time ago. This part of the movie just popped into my mind again recently.

What do you do when you have one magical night with one girl in a jammed elevator but you never find out her name? What do you do when she's one out of a hundred possible other girls in that place? You try all ways and means to find her but to no avail.

This is your last resort, a gut-wrenching confession of your undying love, all for the girl of your dreams.

The girl is question is of course the delectable Emmanuelle Chriqui, of Entourage, Snow Day and On The Line fame.

Friday, February 08, 2008

In Today's News

The masses in the (fictitious) city of Khairul have spoken.

A bill was presented to Congress today, urging them to pass a Bill that would see the citizens put in a concerted effort to see them start studying for the upcoming exams.

With only roughly 2 weeks left before the start of the exams, the need to start revisions is an absolute imperative.

Measures put forth in the proposed Bill include:

  • staying back at school or any suitable location to study
  • meeting tutors after school to clarify unclear concepts which will be tested
  • resisting, as much as possible, calls from mates to hang out and generally keeping recreation to a minimum till after the exams
  • staying put at home and keep spending minimal to avoid participation in activities that would contribute to deviation from studying

Legislators are aware that they will be facing an uphill battle to keep the city not only willing, but motivated to hit the books.

This can be seen in latest developments where Khairul has apparently agreed to go and hang out, at the beckoning of one of his mates; studying seems to be postponed till later on in the night.

When asked, the Minister for Education had this to say,

"I hope he knows what he's doing. He's still got a bit of time but any major dilly-dallying will most definitely lead to panic-studying, an unenviable time for everyone in this city. We certainly hope it won't come to that"

The very fact this Bill is up for approval shows that the city is aware of the problem and taking measures to address it.

However, even after the Bill is passed there is still much more work that needs to be done.

What helps though, is the fact that Khairul's sister is away at Jakarta, on holiday till Sunday and his mom is working a spate of afternoon shifts, leaving Khairul to his own devices for much of the afternoon.

There is much skepticism in the air in this city as to whether this bill will be effective. What is known is that the exams are coming up and there will have to be revisions sooner rather than later. This reporter hopes that when it does start, it won't be too late.

Claire Bennet; reporting for the Khairul Gazette

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The Wait To Write, Read & Listen

Is it a tad premature to be talking about all the things I'm going to try to do after the exams?

Especially since the exams are not only NOT over, they are coming closer and closer with each passing day.

But maybe I can use all these as possible manifestations of reward and pleat sure that would greet me at the end of an exhausting, brain-draining period.

I most definitely wanna finish my half-script and make it a full one.

This morning on the way to school, I had the sudden urge to rewrite the verses to the song that I consider the best attempt I ever made trying to write one, "That I Love You". It was written ages ago.

It's got a great chorus but the verses don't do it justice. I must try again.

And most of all, I want to settle down with a good book, on a solitary Sunday night at home after a hectic week of fun activities and the mood set with Robin Thicke's voice, crooning out of the sound system.

Frankly, I could use that book and Robin Thicke's melodies about now but I wouldn't be able to do so and still feel comfortable at this time. Not with all the revisions and the looming examinations to deal with.

I can't afford to spend too much time in a bookstore. I'd be fixated on the various titles and be held captive by the various storylines that bring out my inner bookworm. However, there would still be a cloud of unhappiness hanging over me, fully aware that I'd leave the place empty-handed.

A new book is an occasional luxury that is fully appreciated when it comes round and not a whim that can be satisfied as often as I would like it to be, simply cos I cannot afford to do so.

Currently, I curb my cravings with the occasional book borrowed from the school library which I'm pleased to say, have a decent collection of titles from my favourite author, Robert Ludlum. Still, there are other books by other authors that I want to read. Getting a new book is like getting new clothes for me. The same feeling of satisfaction applies.

And one of those books is Audrey Niffenegger. It's a love story, not the kind I read but the storyline is unique and interesting. I think it's gonna come out as a movie this year.

It's about this guy and girl who loves each other but the problem is the guy has a kind of defect which makes him travel to different times, as in different years. Despite this, the girl keeps faith that they will end up together. Despite the element of science fiction there (the time traveling), it is very much a love story.
Of course, there is also the usual slew of Robert Ludlum and conspiracy theory fiction that I usually get.

But of course, if I do, it will have to be only after the exams.

Sigh...I'll wait, I guess. Unless any kind soul has a copy of 'The Time Traveler's Wife' and would be willing to loan it to me?

Probably not. Wishful thinking on my part.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Claustrophobic Tendencies

I feel so stifled at home today. I don't know why.

I feel like being outside.

But I also feel like revising or at least doing my tutorials.

So maybe I should do my tutorials outside? But where?

I doubt I'll go anywhere and hang out but if any of my friends have the right plans, I just migh abandon the books for a bit.

Fell asleep rather early yesterday. Was down for the count before midnight. Last thing I remember seeing was the lineups for the Man Utd vs Tottenham game on the telly.

So instead of watching the telly, it ended up watching me sleep.

The Sociology test turned out to be quite all right. I struggled a bit for the 1st 20 minutes but managed to do okay enough to pass up the paper 10 minutes before time.

A decent effort considering I did something I hadn't done for a while. Last minute mugging. I didn't even cover all topics. Tried to make up for it by reading through them. But it turned out all right in the end.

I won't get an A but I have a shot at scoring a B.

Overall grade? Erm, not counting the chickens before they hatch but...I suppose I expect at least a B.

The drain of last minute studying didn't leave me with much in the tank after the test. But I had a last minute MIC meeting to deal with.

We changed the storyline. I think I instigated it. It may be a run of the mill story formula but at least I think it's more interesting at least. The project managers backed me on this so hopefully the story will stay. I do worry that the storyline would be too long though, considering that there is a musical element to the story.

I guess I'll know on Monday. Oh wait, I won't cos I won't be coming. Tuesday then. Only gonna be back from 11 to 1 to brush up on my Bus Stats. I don't actually have to but for my own sake, I NEED to!

Since the Socio test is over, I am actually free on Wednesday cos there aren't anymore Socio lectures but I have to come back for a Prin Mgt make-up lesson, originally scheduled for Thursday.

It's a bother but not too much, cos it'll only take up 2 hours of my time for both days.

It ended at 4-ish. I had to rush home soon after cos my sister forgot her keys (yet again? She's been doing that a lot recently).

I contemplated heading out again soon after but considering how I would have practically been sleepwalking if I did, I put the kibosh on that idea. I decided to stay put and wait for the Man Utd game to start (a pointless wait in the end!).

The fact that projects are done or just about done is a big monkey off everyone's back. Most of us have already crossed the finish line for this race and now it's on to another...the end of semester

Now would be a good time to start mugging and I hope to start real soon so as to be able to pace myself through the revision.

Not much on for this coming week. Online lectures, coming back to school for a bit, a few hours of studying and a MIC meeting or two.

Okay, maybe I do have some things to do. Not TOO much but there should be more on my plate as the week goes by.

Off to take my very late shower and start my day.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Words, A Certain Look, All Have A Certain 'Je Ne Sais Quoi'

Just finished dinner.

Just thought I'd post one before I continue mugging for Sociology again.

Is it possible for words to be some sort of aphrodisiac? I think they can be.

I don't mean words that are used specifically to entice or seduce but rather, the language used by a person.

You are taken by their thoughts and love the way they express those thoughts.

It doesn't mean that you have to fancy the person or anything, you could just like the way they think.

An intellectual connection.

My mate tells me he doesn't think it's weird and I think he's right. A nice change to be caught by someone's thoughts and not their looks first.

By the way, this is an extension of the topic that I ended with on the previous post. This is just me having more thoughts on it.

For some reason, my blog song is loading slower than usual, at least in my browser.

But I'd thought I tell those who are interested to download this mixtape here

It's got some real kick ass tracks, sampling from some nice songs. Especially this song on my
blog.25 tracks in total. 1 minute and a half on average per track.

I think those who like good RnB and hip hop will really like it. Check it out, no harm right?

Day Diz is the rapper's name. He's from Austria and he came down to Singapore in 2007 for a tour.

Damn, I wish I had known about him then. I would definitely have gone down to seen him.

Oh, it turns out that girls in braces aren't too bad. Not that I thought they they were bad, I just never noticed them.There's a cute aura about them, especially if they have the right look.

Haha. I know, way random.

Maybe it's a mistake to use the plural form, maybe it's just this one particular person.

It's just some one I know, though not too well. Obviously she's a girl. I wouldn't be saying a dude with braces had a cute aura about them now would I?

This one is an unrelated to the one with the wonderful words I talked about above.

Just one of my numerous random little thoughts that entertain me while I'm daydreaming during (certain) lectures.

Oh, and I know people know he is, but I've never told anyone what I thought of Robin Thicke as an artiste.

I think he's kick ass. His songs are made to woo girls. Not that I have any to woo at the moment but if I did and I had feelings I didn't know how to express, I might use a Robin Thicke song to help me.