Friday, February 29, 2008

Away With All The Frenzy

Back here after quite a while.

By Jove! The exams are over! Time for spontaneous merry-making and reckless living.

Well no, maybe not. I did wish I could be that exciting though.

I'm somehow reminded of the time my mate actually burned his O Level books when that particularly beastly exam was done.

Yeah, he didn't just throw them away. He burned them. Like some sort of ritualistic offering to the gods of education, signifying his release from the cruel chains of secondary school life.

Nothing of that sort. Might dump the books after the 14th of March though.At least the notes.

Why after the 14th? That's when the results will be released and that's when I know if I need to go for a supplementary paper for Biz Stats. One would have to take the supp paper if they failed the main exam. Pass that an you get an automatic D grade, with a GPA value of only 1.0.

Yep, that's how badly I thought I fared for the Stats paper.

The rest were all right. Maybe As. At least Bs.

My nights became topsy-turvy due to numerous nights of overnight studying. BK at the airport and McD's at Rivervale Plaza became regular haunts of mine and of course, my mates as well.

I don't know why but I felt that this was the most cramming I've done for the exams. Yeah, I studied the same way that I did during my ITE days and my first poly semester but things went on to a completely different level this time. With concept-heavy (graphs)Microecons and content-heavy (theories) Principles of Management papers on the same day. Coupled with typical student dilly-dallying and procrastination, they very much occupied me during the study break.

Oh, and I'm not so full of myself. When I'm talking about the above situation, I fully realize that fellow students in my cohort have to face the same thing.

In fact, I know I'm better off since I need not face the Marketing like them, having already done so in the past.

A pleasant thing happened during the study break.It kept me going when my spirits were flagging but I have to remind myself that it's probably the most I can hope for and nothing more. If I do, I'll only end up disappointed like I was in the past.
But I'm still very thankful for those kind words that were said with complete sincerity.

Anybody catch the video of Lil Mama's new song 'Shawty Get Loose' featuring Chris Brown & T-Pain?

People say it was a rip-off of Michael and Janet Jackson's collabo, 'Scream' but I think I'll be kinder cos knowing Lil' Mama and Chris Brown, it was probably a tribute to that video rather than them trying to copy it. In this case, imitation is the best form of flattery.

In case you haven't seen it, watch it here

I'm really off today. Maybe the exams took more out of me mentally than I realized. Or maybe I'm just being lazy and blaming the exam stress for everything.

I thought when I reached home today,I would be soon out and about, enjoying a stress-free day but instead I fell asleep. Now, as I'm typing this, I'm sleepy again, despite already napping after I got home just now.

One of my recent favourite songs isn't a new one but I heard it a couple of weeks back and I'm still lovin' it. Most people may say it's just a boring ballad but it's just so meaningful to me.

Remember the pleasant incident that I said happened during the study break? That incident only served to increase the meaning and value of this song to me.

I may not be the best-looking or have the best brains but that doesn't stop me from aspiring to be like what this song is singing about to a certain someone, significant to me.

There isn't an official video cos there wasn't one made, this is just an audio track some other person posted for their special someone on Youtube. If you have the time, do listen and see why it's meaningful to me.


The rush of projects, the madness of mugging, let's forget all that for now, shall we?

At least for the next month and a half.


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