One Day, Perhaps I'll See, Out Of The Corner Out My Eye.
Started off the day sick, enough to warrant a trip down to the doctor.
Spent the day mostly doing Biz Stats work and just surfing, finally caught up with Prison Break Ep12.
Also went over to Perez Hilton's domain to catch up on the latest celebrity news. For those who don't know, Perez Hilton is a celebrity blogger. He is one because he blogs about celebrities. So, that's his claim to fame.
Kind of funny. He's famous now cos he blogs about other famous people.
Also caught clips of 'Room 401' on YouTube.
Ashton Kutcher's really raking in the money. And he doesn't have to do more than the occasional movie every now and then.
First Punk'd and now Room 401?
I'm not sure how long this new series is going to last but I'm sure he's been smart enough to have some sort of pre-agreed amount that is a guaranteed minimum. He's got the success of Punk'd to use as a bargaining tool to get him a fair bit of money.
Room 401's been running for quite a number of episodes in the US. Naturally, Singapore is slightly slower to get it, even if it is MTV Asia.
Again for those who don't know, Room 401 is something like Punk'd except they scare (not prank!) normal people instead of celebrities, using special effects and little tricks.It's all fake but those getting pranked don't know it.
Go check out the clips of Room 401 on YouTube. The reactions of those pranked alone are reasons enough to go see.
I think I finally realized something about someone I know.
This person symbolizes the possibilities that are there for me in the near future. The kind that would see me make good on my resolution.But this person also shows the pitfalls in chasing that kind of life. I might lose sight of the simpler things that I take for granted now.
I'm not saying that knowing this person would automatically make me do that but I might if I don't have a good head on my shoulders and keep myself in check with reality.
It would all be my fault if it happens because it's my life and no one else's so it's my responsibility to see that it's going the right way.
Basically, what I'm talking about is about being so focused on the chase for something that I might change for the worse or lose out in the end. And there's this one person who symbolizes all that. I gotta make sure that doesn't happen.
Again, not that this person is bad for me, this person is bad only if I, myself, don't have my brain screwed on straight.
It entices but it should come with a disclaimer.Like those you see on those cigarette packets.
It all started with that red dress, dammit.
Maybe readers won't get all the bollocks I just typed. It's the best I can do without naming names. Sorry.
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