Scene, Song & Dance
I guess I should update.
Lets see, chose Business for my course selection. So I did change my mind from my initial choice of Marketing.
A part of me says I should have specialized and deviated away from Business, having already had a Higher Nitec certificate from ITE. The other part says that I should just stick to something I know I can excel in and am interested in and add the fact that Corporate Communications & Tourism are option blocks for me to pursue under the Business diploma.
Certain aspects of Marketing do interest me. Brand Management,for example. But the fact that it's all mostly project based, is both a turn-on and a turn-off.
So I'll know by Thursday 10am, which direction I'll be heading in for the next two years.
School was pretty routine. POM project has started. Doing a wedding agency that specializes in honeymoon travel as well. Idea isn't too shabby. Heard worse before.
Last Thursday, I experienced my first real 5 hour break. I always had something in the way, like Deepavali and a MIC performance at Simei to take the feel away. This week, spent 2 hours with mates and hanging out at the canteen and 3 hours, using the Internet and re-watching one of my favourite movies on my laptop, Fight Club. Edward Norton is a great method actor.And he is rather underrated,I feel. I knew the laptop was gonna come in handy.
So Friday was the day.It started at 7am, waking up for school. I only went for Micro and not Stats.I would go but that would mean that I would have to leave from TP to get SP where Wahida's show was and I didn't wanna bring books and stuff.
So, I was back home, changed and cabbed down to Dover from Sengkang.
The show was pretty good. I liked the issues that they addressed. Very relevant.
I mean, unfortunately, the Malay community has been tainted by the actions of a growing minority and these actions and activities are the focal point of this play.
What made it so fun was that it was brought across in a very light-hearted manner.
Wahida of course, was her usual effervescent self and I am hoping she will be given a meatier role next time cos she can do much more. So, in that sense, her role did not do her justice. I loved the character of the doctor. Found it amusing. I also liked how they portrayed a loose deviant girl as...a stray cat. The girl was made up and acted like a cat Cos you know, stray cats loiter everywhere, can be found outside of homes late at night and in this sense, rather...promiscuous. Just like deviant girls.
It would have been better if I had seen it during the evening show but couldn't.
Wanted to meet Wahida before I left but she couldn't get out of a debriefing. She messaged me and she wasn't happy with her performance. I told her I thought she did fine and any cock ups she made weren't noticeable. Besides, I'm sure she took the opportunity to brush up and put in a better one for the evening show. She is, as ever, the perfectionist.
I cabbed, again, back down to TP, where I met Zie, an ex-classmate. We were there to watch Roswell Girl perform.Also, one of my sec school friends, Elfy would be performing alongside her.
This show was their big annual one, involved all forms of the Malay Arts Group, comprising of dramia, dance and(Malay)choir.
There were technical glitches but I of course, attach no blame to the actors. I've never been in a production of that magnitude. The bigger the scale, the more the stress.It was on a pretty large scale so it must have been extremely stressful.The show itself was wonderful.It was very entertaining.
Of course, if I were to look at it from the conceptual point of view, the ending was weak and didn't carry the wonderful story that had developed through to the end. I felt that the problem was that they tried to fit in too many things (which did entertain lots) into the script and left no room for a solid ending.Roswell Girl herself was satisfied generally but also disappointed with certain aspects of the show.
I've only been in the (co-) producers' chair once and that one went pretty all right. But empathizing with them as drama people, actors, they did their job and did it well. That's all you can hope to do. Sometimes, other things are out of your control so you just do your job and aim to do well.
Of course, the cast are blameless. They were pretty talented. Roswell Girl did get to show her acting range. I honestly felt really sad during one of her monologues.I swear I did.I almost shed a tear.
She's great, as always.
I saw Elfy in a new light. Just like how I hope people see me in a new light. That I'm not that bumbling, painfully shy kid from secondary school who was afraid to say what he thought but rather, I am a still bumbling, outgoing kid who is open to new experiences and new people.
He's a very expressive and believable actor.
There were also very talented others in that show. I quite liked the two girls who played sisters.,Red & White. Intense stuff. I think White's in Dramatec as well so I'll get to meet her I guess.
He follows method acting.Like many student actors. Just like I aspire to. Just like my idols, Edward Norton,Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino and a bit of Johnny Depp.
So, you may be asking why is Khairul going for Malay shows when he has never been culturally adept? 2 in 1 day too. Hasn't he always been about the English language?
Well, the English language side is the side that I've most presented. People just assume that I have a poor command of my mother tongue, only on a necessary basic level. So people just assume. But the truth is, while I don't have the highest level of comprehension, I do know more than I let on.
What I took away from the whole thing was new ideas and inspiration that made me think of new things that I can use for my writing.
I even had a small idea for a play but I'll put that on hold till I finish writing my book.
I only got home at 4am on Saturday morning. LITERALLY did not have a bite, other than 2 POLO mints and a can of Red Bull.
I had to use my pay to go and foot the bill to reconnect the cable and the Internet connection. I'll be only getting it back when my mom pays me back along with my allowance on the 28th. Now I must wait.
I was unsure whether I wanted to go out today. Given that I had only 5 hours of sleep. And spent loads of money cabbing down( I had to call for a cab during peak hour from Dover to Tampines)
But I'm so bored. Guess it's for my own good.
Damn, I forgot, a Hayden Panettiere "Claire Bennett" lookalike was gonna be down at The Heeren.I possibly could have went, the closest I would be to the real thing, since she didn't come down to Singapore during the Heroes world tour.
I must find ways to entertain myself tonight.
Urgh, I guess I could study.
Oh, I saw a site where they had casting calls but as usual, they were looking for Chinese people to fill the roles.
I also saw filmmaking/acting/scriptwriting workshops. But they cost $$$$. I wish I had a long-term part-time job.
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