Monday, July 30, 2007

Time I Got & Time I Need

I was a lot more occupied this weekend than I expected or than I would have liked. Not that it was a chore but I did think that I would have has some breathing space this weekend,perhaps even time to study for the exams.

But I was caught up in doing my minuscule bit,together with the rest,for the proposal,soundtrack selection and scripting of the Teachers' Day skit.Things are not moving as quickly as we would have liked.

As for school,the Macro project,though simple in task,is proving to be a very tricky customer. The collection and dissemination of information is an arduous task.

I had initially planned to go to the airport to study tomorrow,after the project but I remembered that there was a MIC meeting at Bishan at 4.So the study plans are scuppered.

It's not just the exams.The Comm Skills is a coursework module,no exams but there will be a summative (summary-like) test of whatever we learnt.I've yet to study.It is 30% of the marks. Bloody significant,that.

Mock tests and presentations.Urgh.I already mentioned this before.

The obvious way to lighten the load would be to disassociate from MIC for the time being,others might say but quite honestly,as consuming it is,it's the only saving grace from the daily pressures of academics.

Just did the T-Day's script's scene 3 today.Managed to get a haircut too.Bout damn time too.Even managed to get a lil slack time in with friends.

I have only one lecture tomorrow but because of all the other things,it will be long and tiring day.Already been forewarned that tomorrow's T-Day meeting will be a long one.Much needs to be done before we call the cast in for the first day of rehearsals on Wednesday.

To say that I am stretched for time would be an understatement but I think it would be a fair reflection to say that the fault lies with me cos I have poor time management.

Gladiator is playing on cable now and even though I've watched it numerous times,I've just realised how powerful the soundtrack of the movie is.I say powerful and not cool cos the music isn't the normal kind.It's all instrumental and opera-ish.Not mainstream.It really affects the movie.I went online to just check out some stuff and found that others did say the soundtrack was great as well.Especially during the important scenes.

Oh btw,I am a fan of these period 'war-like' movies.Kingdom Of Heaven,Troy,300,etc.

Ahhh,I think I'm affected with too much melodrama this weekend especially after watching Al Pacino receive his Life Achievement Award.His work was showcased and a lot of people played tribute.

I have to say that he is indeed an intense actor.

He was brilliant in the Godfather trilogy,one of my faves.Scarface is a must-see(which I STILL haven't had the chance to see).If you wanna see more of his contemporary films, more current films, watch Any Given Sunday,The Recruit and The Devil's Advocate.

For me,I wanna watch his older shows.As I mentioned,Scarface but also Dog Day Afternoon & Serpico.

I realise that not many readers would be interested to know about what I just ranted on about Al Pacino and his movies and even be bored by it.But it's for the film buffs and film buff-wannabes like me.

I wanna watch The Simpsons this week please.C'mon gang! Let's catch up on the T-Day work and go together.

That's it.I'm done.

Let tomorrow come and let the work come.

It's gonna be like this for a while.

I'll end with a quote from Gladiator.

'Vis et honos'.

'Strength and honor'.


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