Monday, July 09, 2007

Being Chris Columbus...

Right,so much for Monday.

Today ended without getting really started.I shall expound further...

I was gonna go get lunch today.I bought take away,specifically asking for no sauce but when I got home they had put in extra sauce.That irked me so much I didn't eat what I bought.I decided to skip lunch and just head out.

I only had a Macro lecture today at 12.As I was getting ready to leave,I got a message from my friend saying that she wouldn't be coming for today's lecture.Thing is,she borrowed my book to copy notes as she didn't attend last week's lecture.So there would be no point for me to go.Sure,I could sit there and listen but I wasn't gonna look dumb without my lecture notes.I could have faked it but still,I would know.

I still had a project to do after the lecture I so I to go to school anyway.

Before school,I made a side trip to the mall to go get a new pair of earphones, an accessory for my phone.I was prepared to pay $20 but I was dismayed to find that I would have to eke out $38 instead.

I did get it and I made my way to school.I had to change buses.While waiting for the 2nd bus,the one that would get me to school,I got another message from a group member saying that they wouldn't be doing the project today cos everybody kind of had to go off early anyway.

Any other day I would have been fine and I actually still was but I just thought it was incredulous that my day fizzled out before it actually began.A wry smile did escape me.

But before that,I do wonder if anyone's ever felt the feeling of 'liberation'?

That you've been under so long,so caught up with a thought that you almost wrapped your life around it.

But then,you break free.Your life is no longer dominated by the chase of the idea that you had.

Suddenly,you surface and see so many possibilities that you didn't notice previously cos you were so focused on chasing the idea.

Yeah,sure,it gets real uncertain at times but that's expected.Just let it pass and try again the next day.

That's what I've been feeling.I'm not sure where I'm headed in this 'matter' but I do have to say,the fact that I have options is...well,almost exciting.

Rather vague I know but I'll leave it to you to hazard a guess or two what the 2nd part of this post is about.


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