To Pick An Apple From A Tree
I wasn't planning to post up this late a time but something sort of caught my eye.It was my Friendster horoscope.
The Bottom Line
Try to be as meticulous as possible today. Take care of little details right away.
In Detail
It's extremely important that you try to be as meticulous as possible today -- the little details you might tend to get lazy about will come back to bite you if you don't take care of them right away. But you can still enjoy a very relaxing day, as long as you separate your work from your play. Any romance currently in your life will be enriched greatly if you can remember the little things that the apple of your eye enjoys most.
It isn't so much the message behind the horoscope but it was a phrase in that paragraph that stood out for me.
'the apple of my eye'
I know,it's a known phrase but I haven't seen it for quite a while.Long enough for me to find it quite a novelty of a phrase.Obviously referring to Roswell Girl in my case.It did bring a smile to my face to pair her adorable face to the object in the phrase.She is the apple of my eye.If she is an apple,it's the darndest,nicest one I ever saw.
Not that there's any romance to speak of mind you.Still,it's sort of an open secret that I find her intoxicatingly adorable.
Ahh,just finished typing out some documensts.Schoolwork.
Nothing capitavating this weekend.No deep thoughts esconed within a fairly normal weekend.I feel rather apologetic towards that.Ahh,now is not the time for my life to be interesting.It remains to be seen whether this coming school week is able to throw up any interesting incidents.
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