They're Probably Tripping Over One Another Looking For It
It seems to be curiously odd,the way I went about missing the presentation date for my scholarship.The much-sought one that promised a high payoff.Throughout much of October,the memebers of my household,myself included viewed the checking of the mailbox as a pointless exercise in daily life.
Hence,when notice came for me,I was blisfully unaware.Now that I obviously know about it,fate decides to indulge in a game of hide and go seek with the cheque.Neither the Ministry,my educational institution or the awarding host seems to know where it is.They think that it's all with the other person.
Finally,the person in charge has been alerted,as assured by the ITE representative.But as of this moment,I have yet to make contact with him,seeking reassurance that he is indeed on the case,instead of pushing me to the bottom of his 'to-do' list.
Damn the bureaucratic red tape.What a old school socialist (a rare commodity these days) would sniff at with abhorrence and label simply as capitalist inefficiency.It would be simpleton in nature but I wish that it could be done.That they could just give me another one.And let them deal with their own internal mess.
The old adage about cooperation amongst different government agencies that I often read about in my spy thrillers must be true then.They are apparently incapable of it,even on such a trivial level.
Let me not delve into long winded theorisms (ha! i know,it's not a real word) here.
I just want my money so I can buy a new phone.
If it must come to that,I'm prepared to go to the college principal to ask him to use his pull to get me what I want or rather what I have been awarded.It should be an easy matter for someone of his standing.I heard he was impressed with me before,that should count for something now,shouldn't it?
Anyways,I wanna watch Open Season.I know it's an animation but there seems to be a lack of good movies.Perhaps Casino Royale but James Bond is an acquired taste for the younger generation,used to the exploits of Vin Diesel's Triple X.I heard this Bond film is a much bloodier affair.
Alas,not many fans of Daniel Craig amongst my mates.
I shall take my leave to go help with the SGEM competition (Speak Good English Movement) song.A little tired I must admit but work's gotta be done.
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