Saturday, October 28, 2006

Strike Them Out

Dead tired.Just got back from Kevin's party in the park.Walked all the way back to my mate's neighbourhood before taking a cab ride home.

I bought some stuff earlier.Yess,this means that I've canceled some stuff off in my wishlist.I had originally planned to buy the Hugo Boss colonge that had a citrus-sy smell.But I was goaded into buying a Mont Blanc bottle.It smelt nicer anyway.It comes off a little strong at first but it has this really nice after-smell.Worth the extra 30 plus bucks.

Also bought Justin Timberlake's latest CD but I'm way too washed out to give it a listen.

Like I said,I walked all the way to the next town to my mate's house.I had met him at the mall to get the colonge and the CD and had put it at his house before heading for the party cos I didn't want to bring it there.After that,we both didn't feel like heading home just yet so we decided to take a really long walk to his house.Chatted about the usual stuff,girls and the like.Took about 20 minutes through quiet,isolated streets.Got my stuff back from his house,took a cab home.

Reached home,zonked out and here we are.Gonna crash pretty soon.


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