Small Steps & Giant Leaps
I feel satisfied today.I've managed to get some significant things done this particular Friday.
I managed yet again to get that picker-upper that I needed.I didn't get to see MJ but I got to speak to her online for quite a good while.I we chatted normally and I was only nervous initially,whether she would respond to my greeting which she did and then we just conversed normally.
It made me pretty happy that I was able to talk to her and it was just the thing that I needed after the irritation of projects in school.I like her yes but I've always said that it would please me if we were friends that talked regularly.Not regular yet but its okay,this is a start.Sure, we're not 'hey lets catch a movie' friends yet but we're definitely 'hey how you doing' friends.
If you were to ask me whether I would consider this the progress that I was looking to make during her break,then I would say yes,not maximum progress but after weeks of inactivity with MJ before,I'll gladly take this.
To top it off I also handled another issue that has been a thorn in my side for the past couple of weeks.
School.Studies to be exact.I wasn't planning to study today but not only did I do that eagerly,I ended it the same way as I managed absorb a fair bit of Public Relations into the noggin.
Its been a good day in many ways and I'm thankful to God for thatI am aware that tomorrow may suck but hey,that's life.Gonna study a bit more tomorrow and there's the Man Utd game to look forward to as well.Maybe I can talk to MJ sometime soon,tomorrow if I'm lucky.
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