Sunday, December 25, 2005

Spare A Thought

At this exact point,the time on my cable TV receiver is 12.43 am.43 mins into Christmas Day.How do I feel ? Where do I want to be ? What do I want to do ?.

The weekend is as expected.It blows.So far,because of events that can be deemed catastrophic(which I don't feel like talking about right now) I am kinda dealing with the fact that its so boring and lonely and I don't feel good even thouGh there were moments I saw on the TV that made me want those things.

Then I though real hard.If I have to spend it alone(not really alone,its just that I don't have anyone special) then I have to deal with it and see how I can make sure other people spend this time of the year in a way that is positive.

I thought of those kids in Africa.You know how in movies you see a person,a humanitarian,that would be helping those kids? Yeah sure they do not get the concept of Christmas but it just got me thinking,'why not help them irregardless of what race or religion they are ?"Evenif I myself am not one that celebrates Christmas,the festive periods are when people like these miss out.I wanna hopefully one day have enough money or other resources make my contribution.Maybe by helping village kids get an education or just teach them how to have fun as kids,just by giving them a place to play something like soccer,something I find so much joy in.

God-willing I will able to make thsi wish of mine come true one day.I'm not a celebrity working for a cause.This is just my opinion.Does it make me a better person ? No idea.Just wanna do it.

Just because I screw up does not mean that I cannot help make other perople's lives better.

I'm feeling a little down now cos of my own stupid mistakes and I wish I could apologise take back the things which caused things that I never meant for to happen.(Mateys,yall know about this)

The end of the year is coming.One thing about life is that its always has highs and lows.Lets hope that I can end the year and enter the new one on a high.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats a great wish to have,i hope it does come true,theres only 1 language ,Soccer.

8:32 AM  

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