Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Grazie Signorina

I'm finally done with the debate.It went okay at first but I was getting more and more nervous towwards the end.But you know what? Its done and over with so I don't care anymore.All that is left is one more presentation.

2 more days of school left :) I just got my monthly allowance but I'm not looking to spend any of it.Hopefully I will not spend too much before I get the cash that my sister owes me.

Remember how I said that Roswell Girl is just a friend? Well she still is but last Monday,she started playing around with me and 'acting-flirting' with me.Cute.Fun too.She's super cute and pleasant so its real funny that me and her are a 'couple'

Yes,part of me wishes that it was real but I have to be realistic.Sides,she's got a boy already and she's not the one I want.By doing that,she gives me a window where I can look and see how it would be like if I did have a real flirt with a gal.I have to admit that by the end of the 1st day I was almost drawn it but the next day when Roswell's boy came to pick her up I was jolted back into reality,again realising how good they looked together.So now,or from today,rather,I take the flirting as playful fun.Kinda makes the day in school more interesting.Thanks babe.


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