Tired Physically And Emotionally
PHEW! Just came back from a tiring tour of relatives' houses and I am so dead beat.Never had much mood to go celebrating the festive season in the first place and glad that the day is over and done with.Got $71 so far and have yet to receive from my mom and dad.I don't think I'll reach my aim of $150.Maybe if I'm lucky enough I'll get up to $120.
I was hoping for $150 to make up costs.For the MP3 player I bought on Wednesday.It cost me $350 bucks.That's a chunk of cash that brought pains to my wallet.Planning to keep it for at least a year.By that time I hopefully will have a bit more income through savings from work wages(I plan to work,sometime within next year) and perhaps can get an even better one.
Wednesday night leading to the AM of Thursday was a horrible time.Man Utd lost(again!) and I was missing MJ terribly.Maybe it wasn't just so much her but also partly cos I was just feeling real down and had no mood for the oncoming celebrations.I was feeling very,very down and although the celebrations have made me feel better,I still feel that time spent around MJ would have been time well spent also.
I don't like her-like her still but I still like being around her,especially if she's nice enough to be talking to me.
Well,its the wee hours of Friday morning at the time of writing and I found out earlier that I have no plans to go visiting later on so that means I will be free for soccer and plans of my own.Good.
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