Apparently I'm Just Okay
Friday turned out to be pretty okay.I had a spot of shopping to do with the family which was tiring but it was events earlier in the day that made the day pretty good.
I don't know why but MJ talked to me a fair bit more than she usually does and I reciprocated that and talked to her as well and I was pretty comfortable while conversing with her.
Other days I would be elated that it turned out this way.But I guess,since I'm trying to get over her and all,it just feels normal.Which really,is a bit of a waste,cos it was a good day with MJ and I shouuld be feeling happy but I guess not.
.Okay.That's all.The operative word.Surprising to me but that's how I feel.Just okay....
But I wou't be surprised if the tables turn and I get hung up over her a few days after this.In fact I expect it.Today I made progress to get over her but there are more days where my resolve be tested.
Already on the taxi ride home from the shopping trip I was dreaming about MJ as the I passed by her neighbouhood.
Moving on....
A couple of good movies are coming up.Aeon Flux,Harry Potter among others but one that really caught me by surprise was Chicken Little.Its 3D animation and does seem to have a good storyline which is funny and very interesting.I remember reading Chicken Little as a kid.It was about the chicken that thought the sky was falling and casued pandemonium among his friends but it was all a false alarm cos it turned out he had just been hit by a falling acorn.The movie takes the story past that event with very creative ideas and makes it a good plot.The main character and his friends seem to be very funny(esp. the fat pig,aptly named...Runt Of The Litter...or Runt for short..HAH !)
Chicken Little looks like a fun movie and it makes it onto the list of movies I want to watch.
I know that I said I feel okay but I feel that I should repharse and summarise that into..I feel okay about a day that was pretty good.Don't quite match up but that's the way it just is.
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