Feelings For Friday
Taking a break from wiping windows and doors in my house.It a yearly thing in the household.Troublesome stuff,that but it still has to be done.
Tomorrow's another Friday.Another day that I might see MJ.Thing is this time..I THINK..I won't be affected..not too much.I think I'm getting over her bit by bit.She would have been glad to hear that I'm getting off her back(if she knew I liked her that is..don't think she does but she wouldn't have liked it if she knew I did anyways)
Its good for the both of us.I wouldn't be feeling down all the time and she wouldn't get teased about it by my friends.Besides,she was never ever and never will be,interested in me in the first place.
Its still a long way to go but I'm getting there.Plus,a month's break from Roswell Girl is doing me good.I was getting off her a bit towards the end of the semester and won't be so hung up over her when school reopens.
But now if you ask me..Roswell Girl or MJ....I would still say..MJ..if I had to choose that is...I mean Roswell Girl is just a friend,even if she was unattached,I still saw MJ first and basically speaking I just 'dig' her more than Roswell Girl.
May have lots of cash coming in over the next month or so.That's always good news.
Now below is something I found while trawling through the Net.I would like to give the credit content to the person known as CURE4ITCH on the Linkin Park Numb journals....don't know who he is but he makes lots of sense to me.
I can't believe how much the 1st paragraph is almost a mirror image of my situation...and the 3rd and 4th paragraph explains why I feel the way I feel.
:47 PM PST: BEING LOVESICK It is amazing how girls can drive you up the wall and make you go crazy...Lately, I've been feeling lovesick and it's been such a burden in my heart that I sometimes can't concentrate on normal everyday things. I think I have come to the point where I can say that I'm falling in love with this girl. It hurts so much that I can't be with her and the fact that she doesn't share the same feelings as she does for me. I can't make her like me because it is wrong to force someone to do something that they don't want to do. Maybe in time she will develop feelings for me and who know what will happen, but still it hurts so much that you can't be with someone no matter how close you are to them. It makes me happy to be with her, but it makes my heart heavy everytime.
However, despite all this, I've realized something. I have always asked why would some guys like us would fall for or like a girl that would never feel the same way or a girl that totally out of our league? I think I know why and the reason is from this one book called "The Alchemist." The story is about a boy who embarks on a journey to discover great things and most importantly, the importance of following your dreams.
There is one line in the book that truly summarizes the whole theme of the book and answers my question earlier:"It's the possibility of having a dream come true is what makes life interesting."
I've realized that it doesn't matter whether the girl is out of your league or whether the girl you like doesn't feel the same way you feel. The important thing is having that faith or dream and holding on to it. Maybe one day she will see how much you feel for her and fall in love with you. It's the feeling that hope. It's understandable that it's going to take time, but that feeling of having a dream is something remarkable and worth holding on.
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