Looking For The Right One
I went to get a new wallet today.Its pretty cool and ir didn't cost me as much as I thought that it would.be.Got a new Topman tee as well as a new Robert Ludlum novel.Cost a bit in the end.But the new wallet was an essential need with the old one being torn and all.
According to MJ's writings,she feels lonely and could use a guy.Sounds kinda weird but its not.Whoever he is,I really hope that he treats her right and can pick her up whenever she's down.Hopefully,she'll find a worthy guy and NOT somebody who treats her like a trophy girl he can show off to his friends.
As for me,I think that someone is out there for me,someone I like and she likes me back.Maybe even if no one is out there,whatever,I'll leave it up to God.I wish it could be MJ,sometimes alot but I guess not...
P/S:I took down the video of Mandy Moore's Only Hope cos it was too slow too load.
Yo dude. You must be in love. Did she leave a letter for you to tell you that she needs a boy?
Man that girl is not the right one for you. I tell you. If she would be, she would be yours long ago. You shain't waste your time and effort. Your friends have no respect for you and your feelings.
They should let your love life be your buisness. So dude. Keep your head up man. Check out my blog aswell if you want.
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