Sunday, August 07, 2005

Beautiful Dreamin

For 2 nights straight,I've been dreaming about Roswell Girl.They weren't marathon dreams though.Can't remember what happened in the 1st of those dreams,except for the fact that I remember that she was in the dream.What I recall in the 2nd dream was short but it was most certainly sweet.

We were in school I think,in the computer lab to be more precise.Someone was saying somthing,teaching maybe,since we were in school but I wasn't paying attention.I walked over to behind Roswell Girl.She was sitting in a low-back executive chair.She was swivelling on the chair but just a little bit.I slipped both my hands on her waist and was pretty happy to find that it felt real though I had already sensed that it was some sort of a dream.Then she moves her hands backwards,as you would if you wanted to scratch your lower back,and clasped my arms.So,there I am,holding her waist and she's holding my arms.Then I woke up.What a beautiful dream.

Gonna leave it at that cos its a nice place to leave it and also cos I'm abit tired right now.


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