Friday, July 22, 2005

List Yer' Wish

What a rush..I've either been real busy or real stressed out this week although thankfully happy moments were interspersed at the right moments that kept me going.Its tough,especially with school projects that seem hellbent on making life difficult for me and not seeing MJ for about 4 days,even today when I was supposed to 'bump' into her today.But that's OK...I'm still going on fine.Things aren't exactly picture perfect but all the fuss will die down once the weekend comes along and gives me time to recharge.

I thought of buying MJ's present at Tampines Mall where one of the 77th Street's branches is located.But I had work to do..which got screwed up after spending 2 hours on it as outside complications arose.But I'm not gonna let it get me down cos I know that I put in the time and effort to do it but its just that things won't seem to go right for me with regards to this school project.

MP3 player's is spoiled.Uggh..don't ask how.Well,might as well since I've been trying to get into this 'money-saving' mood .Mostly cos I have loads of things to buy;some of which I can get real soon and some I have to save up for a lot longer.

A good pair of jeans,2 new(moderately priced) T-shirts,headphones(which I think I can already get if not soon),MJ's present(likewise,though I still have time).Also a new pair of shoes and 3 pairs of socks.The last one is pretty cheap.As for shoes,I'd prefer an Adidas original but they cost a bomb and I'd probably wannt to get all those other things above first so they'll have to wait.Might get cheaper brands first.A new MP3?I heard they selling cheap ones at a certain place.Oh yeah...I also HAVE to get a new handphone cos the one I have now is simply put,not useable at all.

Man,that is alot of things..where do I start?Well maybe my mom could 'subsidise' the cost of the shoes and jeans.Other than the new MP3,I'm pretty sure I can finance the rest myself.I still have to think a bit on how to get the dough for that..Oh and I forgot again,the mom has to get itfor me....hmm...maybe I'll have to buy the jeans myself then.Plus I just remembered I owe a pal $9.50 for the movie tix that he paid for first..

So,over the next couple of days,the items I can take care of include the debt and MJ's present and maybe even the socks.Then I'll have to start saving up again for the I a dumbass or what?I just realised that I don't need headphones cos MY FRICKIN' MP3 IS NOT WORKING !!

Well,that's good in a that means for the moment,the headphones are off my list until I get a MP3 player.So,that means,I'll get the jeans faster.Nice..

That sounds like a plan to me.So I know what I gotta do.start saving as much as I can and I''m looking to cancel off those things on my list as fast as possible. Key to saving money is willpower.Hopefully,I'll hold against temptation.

Gonna head off to Dreamland now.Maybe I'll come in during lunch at school tomorrow and talk about stuff that happened with Roswell Girl in school and my thoughts on the upcoming weekend.No guarantees ,I might be busy.Hopefully not though...


Blogger Salz said...

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8:33 PM  
Blogger Salz said...

Use the code below & put in < And > at the beginning n the end of the script (to open, close the tag). Put in the URL of the music from Ripway

bgsound src="URL" loop=infinite hidden="true"

8:34 PM  

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