Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Lights Are Off Today

Nothing spectacular to post about.

Rekindled conversations with old connections in the dead of the night in the middle of town, with hope of more to come in the following days.

Was almost taken in by the devils of temptation to purchase Justin Timberlake's Live In Concert DVD. Proud that I did not falter and give in to that sinful purchase.

It would have damaged my finances, not a good thing, with it being only a week into the holidays.Much more cravings to resist before month's end.

After the slight activity of yesterday, I'm content to not do much today, expect maybe to work on my script.

Not a peachy thing. In fact, I hate how it's turning out. Far too plain and uninteresting. For some reason, I'm pressing on with the story; maybe as it is still in its infancy and I just want a draft out on paper at least. Having something real to hold in my hands might just give me reassurance that I am getting somewhere with this endeavor.

Just how I'm going to continue today I don't know. I'm already struggling to complete this blog post and that doesn't bode well for me that I'm planning to continue the long-ass story I'm far from completing.

This sullen weather of grey clouds and cold winds is like a damn sleeping pill.

And it doesn't help that my body clock still thinks that the school term is still going on and insists on waking me up around 8-plus a.m.That would be alright, if it wasn't for the fact that the earliest I go to bed these days is at the ungodly hour of 4am.

If my body clock doesn't get me, drone of a heavy vehicle or the shrill screams of the pneumatic drill from the ongoing construction work (estate upgrading!) will be a sure back up to see that I get up bright and early, just like normal people.


My nose has been leaking worse than a wet piece of Swiss cheese today.

Leaky nose+cold weather+lack of sleep...

I just want to curl up into bed again, por favor?

On an unrelated note, I'm not sure where I stand with you, but at least I feel better after receiving some advice yesterday.

I'll end with a few 'sick' videos from America's Best Dance Crew'. I can't force you to watch but you'll definitely enjoy if you do.

Kaba Modern #4

Jabbawockeez #3 (This ending is crazy shyte!!)

Status Quo #3 & Iconic #3 (Status Quo kicks Iconic's ass, but Iconic was at least decent)


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