It's Been A Busy One
Picking up where I left off since the last time I posted...
Monday was a stupid-arse day.
First off to Bishan. Handed my laptop to the MIC people.
Had to leave for CMPB(the NS people). They gave me a letter a month ago saying that they didn't have my data and also that I didn't go through some of the stations. Which was absolute rubbish, cos I clearly remember doing those stations.
So I had to go all the way down there. My data was there so all I did was retake some measurements, and get signatures for the stations cos they did have my data after all, like I said. All I did was click 'confirm' over and over again.
Bollocks. Nothing like civil service muddle ups to ruin your day.
I'm not criticizing the government but rather their display of ineptness. Can you imagine if I had to go through the tests again? Especially, if it was the 3hr-long IQ (MAPAS) test.
After that it was back to Bishan. Then back home, to change for the PACE year-end party. Then, from home to TP, rushing to make it for the party.
The party was all right, nice and cozy. I stayed behind to help them clear up. They did put in a lot of effort to make it an enjoyable event for me and the rest. I figured I could reciprocate a little effort cos I feel it's only fair.
I left school at 11pm. I had to trudge by bus to somewhere else to get back my laptop that I had left with the MIC people. I managed to get lucky with my bus connections and managed to get on the last bus home.
I reached home at almost 2am.
Honestly, I wouldn't have minded the day if it hadn't been for the CMPB thing. The trip there and back really took a lot out of me.
Tuesday was another MIC day. Made initial progress on the storyline.
Wednesday was a day for PACE. A unforeseen circumstance delayed me but not by much. A useful workshop. The end of the workshop left me in a contemplative mood.
I'm ambivalent when it comes to PACE. As in, I'm not exactly begging to be put on duties but at the same time, my belief in myself sees no point in just floating along in the CCA.
Lets put it in soccer terms. I'm going through all the training and briefings but not only am I not getting selected for matches but I'm not even in the first team squad.
I'll do what every good professional soccer player does, keep my chin up and keep plugging away.
I don't mind not having duties but I would at least like something, some work to do from my department (Admin).
Wait, I know I wasn't the mos forthcoming in the beginning and I've only recently started to show them my commitment. I'm being realistic, I know that I haven't done enough on my part to be jumping up and down the sidelines, screaming my head off just cos I ain't getting selected.
I'll bide my time and I'll keep showing my commitment. I do want to come to all the upcoming events. Along the way, I'll do little things to say and suggest that I'm good and ready.
If they still still don't think that I don't have the 'mentality' of a PACEr, (as they say of those who have yet to receive duties) do I then contemplate a 'transfer request'? We'll have to wait and see. I'd rather not actually cos I don't like to say that I quit something.
After the workshop, I went to send off a friend with the rest of the mates. We ate at Popeye's. It's nice to eat there every once in a while, it's a change from KFC.
Controversy is abound with Jamie Lynn Spears' reported pregnancy. Only 16, I wonder how her PR people are going spin this into a positive story. I wouldn't say her career is over but this is definitely a speed bump. She had the chance to move in a different direction from her sister, away all the controversy. But it looks like she doesn't mind following in her sister's footsteps.
MIC on Friday and Saturday. Possibly a charity sale to visit on Sunday. And I'll round off the week with a Man Utd game.
Nice, a variety of events for me to deal with.
Cool varie
This post took a couple of days to type out cos I wasn't feeling motivated to finish it but it's about done.
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