Saturday Morning Cartoon
Fasting month's been okay these early days.Not struggling with hunger pangs or anything like that.I do need to make it a point to attend the night prayers as many nights at the mosque as possible.
Helps that I'm on holiday and not having to deal with school or even worse,exams.
I'm spending the morning in a state of nostalgia.I'm watching Aladdin on Disney.Talk about old-school.
This movie was definitely a big part of my life when I was growing up as a kid.
It was so nice to hear the original version of A Whole New World.There's something so free about being so stressed that you just want to escape on a magic carpet ride in the night and making it even better by having that someone special right next to you.
That's how I saw it growing up and while it is a highly whimsical and playful thought,don't we all indulge in wishful thinking every once in a while?
I have to break fast with the relatives today.Ugh,may miss the United game if someone over there decides not to turn to the Football Channel.I don't want to miss the game.I think they have an early lunchtime kickoff and down here,it means that they'll kick off just as we're breaking fast at my relatives' place.
I still haven't decided on the colour of my festive outfit this year.I guess I'll only decide when I go to get it.That means walking round and round the festive market and stores,which is fun but my mom and my sis take ages looking at things they end up not buying and this takes all the fun out of it.
I'd walk around and catch the sights and sounds of course but after getting my stuff,I would get out.It is super-crowded and an absolute human traffic jam.
Might get a new,affordable top for the smart-casual 'Inspirations' book launch at Bishan on the 21st.I'm supposed to bring up to 3 guests but I don't think I'm bringing anyone.Mdm Salinah is saying that I should but I don't really have anyone to bring.My family's probably not free.Not that I need them to come anyway.They've seen the and that's good enough for me.
Don't think any of my friends would be keen either.I'd probably have to force them to come or we'd probably have to be doing something like catching a movie later at the nearby Junction 8.
Before I leave,congrats to all my mates who had their passing out parade from BMT today.Just serve out the rest of the time in your post and it'll be over soon enough.Not everyone finished it today,just a few guys but the rest will follow suit soon enough.
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