Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Eat & Be Merry

The weekends were pretty fine.There was lots of food.

On Saturday...

Went to the all but two of the Adidas outlets,at least those that carry the Originals range. I guess I want to be sure that I won't have regrets later on about shoes that I didn't check out.

Had a late lunch at KFC.Mate went home while I went over to meet dad and the rest of the other family for a belated birthday for the youngest one.Actually,we already did a lil bit at Grandma's when it was her birthday and they cut the cake together.

But this one was the real one and she got prezzies and all that.

I came to Breeks half an hour late but they were just waiting to order.I was tempted by the Chicken Chop but settled for the old favourite,Melted Mozzie Patties.The Passionfruit Iced Tea was surprisingly nice as well.Then we had the brownie cake as her birthday cake and she got her presents as well.

She asked for and she got Elizabeth Arden's Green Tea perfume.I think she's just 6...

I was full by night's end.Definitely.

The next night,dad picked me up and we all went to East Coast Park for dinner.

Sticks of mutton and chicken wings and fried noodles with egg.Love the chicken wings.

It was a weekend of food.Like I said.

On Monday,I went to catch the Bourne Ultimatum with an old secondary school friend.He'll be serving his NS soon,next week in fact,so good luck to him.

I couldn't catch it when it came out cos it was when my exams were nearing.

Bourne was great as usual.It's the 3rd installment from my favourite author,Robert Ludlum and I loved the Waterloo subway scene where Bourne picked out the CIA spy-boys so easily.Robert Ludlum was genius in writing that particular scene.

I also like Paul Greengrass' way of shooting the scenes.Very inventive.

There have been some very conflicting thoughts in my mind.Of the positive kind.Various people have been crossing my mind.Fleetingly.

Oh,I have to go and get a new formal blazer for PACESetters.That means more money out the window.


Cooped myself up at home today.Tempted to go out but I know that I would spend more money if I did.I'll be going out enough over the next few days anyway.Thank God for pay-per-view cable movies.


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