Is The Grass Greener On The Other Side?
Thankfully,the holiday boredom hasn't set in yet.
My days have been dotted with places to go and things to do,here and there so it's fine so far. Stayed home for a day or two during this time.
On Saturday morning I had to go to a PACESetters meeting.
I totally respect what they do and what they stand for.I have to give them props for that but, ever-so-slowly,I'm contemplating about what it would have been like if I had joined TP's drama troupe instead.
Would I have been exposed to more of the production process?
Then again,probably not,since I heard that they freshies haven't been through anything yet.
I have nothing bad to say about the PACESetters CCA.On the contrary,I could learn many new things about myself and make myself a better person.
Rigid and professional would be the best way to describe them.Etiquette is key.I know,I've never been part of such a structured organization and I must say again,that I could probably use the lessons but I've been found wanting in the adaptation process.In fact,problems with adapting has probably been the bane of my first semester in polytechnic.
My attitude towards work,my initiative,seems to have dipped,which affects my enthusiasm but that's an old story.
My point is,which is better; being in PACESetters? Undoubtedly beneficial for me with lesser time commitments or, being in drama where I will pick up new things and probably enjoy myself more but it'll take up much more of my time?
After that I did something that I don't do enough of nowadays,sit with my friends and do nothing else.For the rest of the day.
The rest of the weekend went along without incident.
Nice dinner of pasta today with a good friend and a very interesting drama newbie.I don't have pasta often enough too.
Good times.
I'm set for the next couple of days too.I'm supposed to hang out with mates,do lunch,have a MIC meeting and an interview with PACESetters.
About the drama thing,it's catalyzed by the fact that I've gotten a bit of a breakthrough of sorts with my attempted story/screenplay. Now I have to find the effort to type it all down.Haha.
I honestly think I enjoy the creative process of developing a script/story.I'd like to do it for a living but I don't have an inheritence waiting for me so I can't afford to that.I know the work was shite sometimes but a couple of times,I did actually enjoy myself during the making of Mic Studio's T'Day '07.
Oh,before I forget...Coffee Bean Girl.
Wahida knows what I'm talking about.
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