Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Walk With Your Head Up To See The World At Your Feet

I received a jolt today.It dawned on me that I had settled into school life.Yeah I know I have.But today I realised that maybe have become too comfortable with it.

Remember when I was saying a few months back about achieving my symbolic goal of being in Rome and that I viewed this as a long-term goal which I could use give me the drive that I needed to ace this course and make it to polytechnic.

Over the past few months,what with all the work involved with the CCA and the various projects that the syllabus enforces me to undertake,I may have lost sight of the future.I still had the drive to succeed of course.But there have been instances in this past few months on which I reflect back upon,enjoyed myself too much.

Sometimes I do feel that things have been dumbed down for me and that I have not been intellectually-challenged during my time here.Yes,I have learned many new things about the business world and also developed socially with being in a CCA.But somehow,I haven't felt that rush in a while.

Just last week,I bought a copy of Newsweek.I used to get it weekly for morning reading material back in secondary school.It was intellectually enriching to be reading about current world issues,I admit,I had a bit of a headache at the end of it but I like it.I felt good.

What I'm saying that I just got reminded that I could do so much better.

Not that I don't appreciate where I am now.I've met great people in my class and my CCA.On that note,I have to include a special mention for Roswell Girl,the blessing in my planned two years here.Regardless,of whatever develops or does not develop between us,I am grateful that our paths crossed.

I just got too sucked in into life at where I am now.I think what I need to do is to put a little less fun and approach school with a method that is cold,hard and calculative.

There is still the danger of being sucked into the life that ITE is tagged with,despite its ongoing image makeover.With all due respect,I want to just do much better than this.

If that's not enough,then all I have to do is remember that that Rome goal,there's no point in me being there alone.The whole goal of being able to have the luxury to travel the world,Rome was picked because of a particular reason.

I'm aiming to go to Rome,I've said long before.With my baby girl,whoever she may be.It's for her and I wanna be at a place like that with her.Have I met her yet? Maybe.Wouldn't find me complaining if that's the fact.But maybe I haven't so I'll wait till I do.

I gotta do this to get there.I just gotta do it in a better way.I'm doing good.But I could do it better.


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