Sunday, July 30, 2006

Like It Was Before

Spent the last 24 hours watching The Godfather trilogy.Well 2 out of 3 so far.Cool stuff.What with the vendettas and Vito 'Don' Corleone and all that.Still got the 3rd one to go.A little weird to see Al Pacino and especially Robert De Niro at such a young age.

I'll be seeing Roswell Girl tomorrow.A little weird to be around her,knowing that she's been back in close contact with her boy.She doesn't know that I know.I guess I have to try and act as normally as I can around her.So different as compared to four days ago when me and her were the feeder for whispered gossip.

One week of school down.5 weeks of school left.Much time will be occupied.I expect the weeks to whizz by,though that does leave me with lesser time to deal with studying and projects.Will have to find a way to deal with it.

I hope to get the letter detailing my scholarship in the mail very soon.I wait with glee.

No real big difference with Roswell Girl.I will just have to revert to those days when she was with her boy before they seperated.

Whatever,work will keep me distracted anyway.


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