Saturday, August 05, 2006

Birth Days

The day started off on a mundane note,leving for school to do props for a while.Went with CCA mates to eat lunch.

The 3 of us that were left after a few went off at various points of the journey then went to the Esplanade Mall to check out this shop that I've been wanting to go to for a while.

It's this shop where you can customise your own teddy bear with different clothes,you can name if and get a birth certificate as well as put in a prerecorded message or your own personal message in the bear.What I really like about this concept is that other than the stuffing,you can put little momentos like a personalised message or a small gift in the bear as a surprise.

MJ's birthday is coming up.So is Roswell Girl.Have a few ideas for the latter's birthday.But quite clueless about how to approach MJ's birthday.I got a card for Roswell Girl,the teddy bear thing and Mrs Fields' brownies as ideas for Roswell Girl.Not using all of them course.May have to consult my friends about MJ's case.

For the first time in a while I can see that she really likes this guy that she's crushing on now.I wish it had been me but it isn't so I wish her all the best.

Forgot to say yesterday that I was all alone in the CCA room.Everyone that was around had either left on errands for props or were on their way to work.Suddenly I found myself flying solo and I had to clean up the CCA room all by myself.I had to psuh back the benches that actually needed two people to push them but of course I slowly put it all back into place myself.I had to return the visual equipment that we had borrowed to do the props and lock up the room and return the keys.Spent almost an hour on it.


Anyways,its very likely that I'll buy the teddy bear but only if my scholarship,which I know I'll get,finally comes through.Its around 30 bucks for a medium sized bear minus the addons I mentioned earlier.Its reasonable stuff.

Hah,if my mate's reading this,I know I still owe you last year's present.I remember it still.

After the Esplanade,we went somewhere halfway between there and the train station to just sit and rest for a while.Loads of people were walking past.

One of my friend who will be involved in this year's National Day as a crowd motivated remembered that they were doing rehearsals for it.It was just for the fireworks though so it was kinda special and people were going to the waterfront area near the Esplanade to go and see.

But even from where we were standing,we could see the fireworks display.It was really special.I heard that this year's display was gonna be great.Roswell Girl's gone to the preview and my CCA mate was a motivator like I said.

And it was nice.It was spellbinding.Much better as compared to the ones for the past two years.
A cacaphony of gunpowder booming and the bright flashes of firework designs filled the air.

Nice way to end a day that started without inspiration.


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