Let The Fools Dream Sweetly
The time on my cable receiver says 3.40 AM.Just had my late,late dinner.Stomach full of air before this.Had to order Macs Delivery.At least stomach isn't hurting anymore.
YAY! Man Utd beat Arsenal 2-0.Great defense team! Always nice to get one over the Gooners anytime.Rio Ferdinand was brill.
I have a meeting later at 10 am at school.Again.If you think about it,its no real surprise considering that the project we're working on is on a big,national level.Getting a bit irritating.Got me thinking that I certainly do not want to take up the Executive Committee position offered to be as I feel that it will be more meetings and more work.
Hopefully the meeting will end by 330pm.I want to get some shut eye before my evening jog.To keep up my fitness.Yes,yes, I'm not very fit in the first place but this run is just to make sure that I don't fall to pieces and at least make sure my fitness doesn't get any worse.Also I have had way too much fast food for my liking these past few months.I can't run I know but its not about that really.
Lol...a little ironic.Me.Me busy during the holidays.Never thought it would happen.
Missing MJ,haven't heard anything about her for a while.But maybe thankfully I'm too busy to be reminded of her.Although there are times I'll just stop whatever I'm doing cos my mind suddenly switches to her and that's when I'll start missing her.
She doesn't miss me I know but I do miss her,I daresay I really do.Foolish? Perhaps.
Sometimes I wish I could just drop whatever I'm doing and just run to see her,even if for just 5 seconds...who cares if I'm too busy.
I've said recently that part of me accepts that she'll never feel about of me the same way I feel about her.That doesn't mean that I have to stop being fond of her.She may not care much for me but if fate is kind and she,for whatever reason,needs me,I would try my honest best to be there.Unlikely scenario but weirder things have happened in this world.
Sweet dreams for the sweet ones in this world.
''You and me and all of the people and I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off you.'' // Lifehouse - You & Me
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