No Es Amor
I really think I've come to some sort of a descision on MJ.I think we are better off being friends.It also has nothing to do with the fact that she likes someone else......ok,maybe it does.Its not the defining reason but it is just another factor i use to make my descision.
Its gonna be hard to stop wanting her but I'm sure I can do it.We might be better off as friends,who knows,right?
What was I thinking? Did I actually feel I had a chance?? HAH !! I just have to accept that she's not interested and try to move on.Even if anything did happen,I'm not too sure if she would have taken it seriously to try and make it progress.She's at an age where she's allowed to do that and also not have any expectations put on her to take it as seriously as me.
A friend once asked me,if I liked a particular girl and suddenly another girl comes along and it is made known that she likes me,would I drop everything that I frlt for the first girl?I said no.It would be flattering of course but I would try my darndest not to be distracted from the original objective,the first girl.Now don't you guys thing that the same attitude would be the expected of MJ where in this case she likes this other guy and I'm the other guy...Think about it..
I know its fictitious but if Joey could get past Rachel,I can take inspiration from that.
I really like her but I also know that she has a crush on someone else and I feel it best that I just forget about her.
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