Tomorrow Will Be Better
I was thinking back into my past,back to a time when my life was an easy ride.It was when I was blissfully unaware of the fact that life sucks,YEAH,life sucks and we all know that.But once in a while you would like to think back to a day when your biggest problem was looking for that red toy car that rolled under the bed.Man,that all seems so easy and nice.Nowadays,whole days or maybe even weeks can go wrong and in the process making us feel pretty crappy inside about ourselves.On these particular days,we would just wish that they day would be over with and hoping that tomorrow would be better.
That's the way life have to roll with the punches.So after a bad day,I would just go to bed and daydream just a little bit.It is nice to dream that when I wake up next morning,my single would turn into a king-size bed with white sheets and I would open my eyes to the wonderful sight of Jessica Alba in her cute lil PJ's lying next to me.Or maybe,definitely more realistically...just hoping that a certain girl that I fancy would just come and talk to me a bit more and open up to me.
Bottom line gives us a lot of boring and bad days but when the good days come along,it makes all those other days that we go through seem worth it.
I end this with a simple Russian peasants' poverb....Tomorrow will be better.....
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